
Millie Bobby Brown Just Rapped A 'Stranger Things' Season 1 Recap & It's Seriously Epic

by S. Atkinson
NBCUniversal Television Distribution

Whether they're your best friend, lover, or aunt, one thing's for sure: you don't want them interrupting your marathon with basic questions, even if they did make the popcorn. So, thank goddess for Millie Bobby Brown rapping a Stranger Things Season 1 recap. Jimmy Fallon revealed that, since the 13-year-old can pull off a pretty competent impression of Nicki Minaj when rapping, it was time for her to employ her hidden superpower one more time with feeling. Despite the presenter citing Nicki The Ninja, it was easy to jump to conclusions and to assume from the British accent that the actor's rap would be closer in style to that popular on her native island — grime. Nope. The rap was as American as apple pie.

So how effective was her rap as a two minute guide to the whole of the first season? Let's break it down bit by bit. Sure, the Calvin Klein model may manage to cover a lot of the important info at roughly the same speed as Dart hightailing it after some nougat, but there's definitely some moments in the rap which require extra explanation. And there are quite a few things that she may have left out.

Part One

"Let’s go back to Indiana circa 1983
Just four boys in the basement, chillin' playin' D&D
There was Lucas, there was Willy Will and Dustin, there was Mike
But one night Will goes missing while he’s riding on his bike
Yikes! That’s when they met me Elev
I had no hair on my head
I had been so close to dead
Courtesy of Dr. Brenner who’s hunting me 24-sev"

What's missing: Will doesn't just happen to go missing, nor is he kidnapped by a nefarious person; the tale establishes its supernatural stylings straight off the bat when, in the first episode, a monster that later gets referred to as a Demogorgon, takes him to an alternate dimension, The Upside Down. Similarly, Eleven's hairless state doesn't connect to her ill health. She possesses psychokinetic abilities and has been being held against her will in a lab by the sinister scientist Dr. Brenner, who has been performing a series of grueling tests on her up until her escape.

Part Two

"Joyce was hanging Christmas lights in the web
Started hearing something Willy had said
This could be a message from the beyond, what happened to Barb?
She’s just gone in the Upside Down
Hopper’s on top of the case, I'm throwing vans into space
I’m lying down in a tank, trying my best to find Willy
And Dustin’s got pudding for days
Demogorgon’s getting all in my way
Blast him to pieces just like a grenade"

What's missing: Well, if your friend/lover/pet is coming in to this series with no knowledge whatsoever, you'll need to spell out some details. Joyce is Will's mom, and, when she finds out that her son can communicate with her through lights, she strings up Christmas lights with a bulb positioned over each letter of the alphabet. Barb is Mike's sister Nancy's best friend, and after cutting her hand and dropping blood, she gets snatched into the Upside Down by a Demogorgon (attracted by her blood) while sitting by a swimming pool alone at a group hang. Sadly, she dies. Hopper is the chief of police, and while looking for Will, he starts delving into what's going on at Hawkins Laboratory, discovering that they've been conducting mind control experiments on human subjects as part of Project MKUltra.

Part 3

"Will's now at home coughin' slugs in the sink
What happened to me? I'm in the Upside Down
What about now? The saga continues, tune in to see how
Upside down. What about now? The saga continues, tune in to see how
All I need is my Eggo waffles, I'm in love with those
What I'm left with when I use my powers is a bloody nose
Bad news when you see that bloody nose
Bad news when you see that bloody nose"

What's missing: Despite the reference to the "tank" and exploding the Demogorgon in the previous part, a casual viewer might need more knowledge about how the gang finally get Will back and get rid of the Demogorgon. Joyce, Officer Hopper and all of the other main, good characters (Mike and his friendship group, Jonathan and Nancy, Eleven) all head to the school and build a pretty competent replica of the sensory deprivation tank that activated Eleven's powers in the lab. Using this, Eleven is able to access the Upside Down and locate Will. Hopper and Joyce enter the Upside Down through the Hawkins lab and retrieve Joyce's son. After Dr. Brenner and his armed associates head to the school to recapture Eleven, she kills them (or at least seems to kill Brenner, this is never confirmed) and the scent of their blood attracts the Demogorgon, who Eleven kills with her supernatural abilities.

Brown's recap, given its brevity, is every bit as impressive as Eleven's supernatural powers. But it may need a little context. Forward this article to anyone you know who needs the bare outline sketched by the star here coloring in a little.