Time to swap Eggos for eyeshadow. On Thursday, Millie Bobby Brown shared her everyday makeup routine via Instagram livestream. And — as expected — the Stranger Things sweetheart made even concealing and contouring the epitome of adorable. Be still, my beating heart. She may just be 13, but she (most likely) will be better at blending than I will ever be in my adult lifetime.
In her Instagram live video, Brown explains that she only wears makeup sparingly for occcasions like work or dinner. She prefers to keep the look minimal as possible, as she says: "Putting makeup on everyday — it's not good for your skin." (Tell that to 13-year-old me)
Brown was also quick to disclose that though she is no makeup expert by any means, she is capable of doing so. Stars — they're just like us!
So, what's in the making of a Millie Bobby Brown beauty recipe? For starters, she's a fan of rosewater and advocates using hands to apply makeup, because in her words: "You don't have to be fancy." Brown also reminded everyone to not hide their features and instead embrace them. In fact, she herself has a freckle that she never conceals. Preach it, girl — outer and inner beauty is key.
She's also religious about washing her makeup brushes and cleanses them after each use. Leave it to Brown to make me suddenly re-evaluate my shameful brush cleaning habits...
Whether Brown is going au naturel or on full-on glam mode for the red carpet, she is always acing it.
Here's the full lowdown on Brown's makeup routine, Frozen sing-along and all.
Can I just hire Millie to be my personal MUA/life coach already?