Everyone Wants Mike To Be The New Bachelor, But Here’s How He Actually Feels About It

Mike Johnson. You know him, you love him, and basically all of Bachelor Nation does too. Can you blame them? Of course not. He's the best. Sadly, it didn't work out between him and Hannah Brown, but that doesn't mean we've seen the last of him. Mike revealed he's open to being the next Bachelor in a recent interview, which means there's hope that his Bach "journey" isn't over quite yet. And if the opportunity *does* arise, the 31-year-old said it's a decision that he definitely won't take lightly.
Mike pretty much won over Bachelorette fans from the get-go on Hannah's season. It was a bummer to see him get eliminated, but he totally took it in stride. Then, almost immediately after his departure from the show, people started campaigning for him to be the next Bachelor. No surprise there, because what's not to love?
Entertainment Tonight recently caught up with Mike during the taping of The Bachelorette's Men Tell All, and asked him whether or not he was "officially in the running" to take on that position. "I haven't spoken to no one about it," he revealed. "Yes, my homies from the show were speaking on it, and it's really cool to hear that."
Wait, wait, wait — what? No one from ABC has approached him about being the next Bachelor yet? Get it together over there, guys! Lock this man down before it's too late. Now that he's off the show, there's no way he'll stay single for long — and America needs to see Mike find love.
Now, you might be thinking, that he's just playing coy. But, his comments to ET about whether or not he'd be game to go another round seemed pretty genuine. "I have lots of questions if I were going to be Bachelor," he told the outlet. "I take stuff like that very seriously. When it comes to pieces of the heart, there's no playing with that. I don't care if I'm on TV or not." Ugh. Swoon. What a sweetie.
Honestly, could you even begin to imagine anyone other than Mike being the next Bachelor at this point? The level of support he's garnered from fans and former cast-mates is like, pretty unheard of. Even Chris Harrison sounds like he wants Mike to take the franchise lead.
"Of course he’s a contender [for Bachelor]," Harrison told People on July 18. "How could he not be a contender with that smile? He’s one of my favorite people we’ve ever had on the show. He’s a love of a man. I don’t know him that well, and I consider him a really good friend."
Harrison then added, "He’s just a sweet guy. He gives the best hugs, the best smiles and the best advice. He’s just a really good man and yeah, of course he’s a contender."
For now, it seems like fans will just have to wait and see how things pan out with this one. Mike definitely won't have to worry about there being any shortage of contestants, though, and most of America will undoubtedly be rooting for him in the meantime.