A Teen Broke Her Retainer Watching 'Black Panther' & Michael B. Jordan's Response Is EPIC

It turns out, Black Panther's Erik Killmonger isn't just breaking hearts, he's also destroying young women's orthodonture. Don't worry, though, being the gentleman he is, Michael B. Jordan is happy to pay for your retainer, especially since it's his toned body that's to blame for all this broken metal. After an orthodontist's story about a teen who broke her retainer while watching Black Panther went viral, Jordan stepped in with an offer that has fans on Twitter making appointments with their dentists.
On Monday, March 5, a teen, who has since been identified as Sophie Robb, realized that her orthodontist's Tumblr post about her was getting a lot of traction on Twitter. In the screenshot, the orthodontist explained that Robb was "thirsting so goddamn hard she busted steel” while watching Jordan take his shirt off in the Marvel movie. The 18-year-old student from San Francisco told BuzzFeed that she broke her permanent retainer when she "pressed my tongue against my permanent retainer and clenched my jaw so hard that the wire disconnected from my teeth." Same difference, really.
Instead of ignoring it — even though she definitely could have, since her ortho didn't name names — Robb tweeted about it. And oh, did she own her narrative.
The tweets were a rollercoaster of emotions. At first, she was mortified. "Wait. That girl is me," Robb wrote about the clench tweeted 'round the world, before shouting out her orthodontist as "the chillest person I ever met even though he eXPOSED ME ON THE INTERNET."
These tweets eventually led to a Twitter follow from Jordan. According to INSIDER, Robb also DMed Jordan to let him know, "'It was an honor to have my retainer broken by your image. Keep doing what you're doing." Not to mention, it led to an important bio update. Robb's Twitter bio now reads: "I'm the girl who broke her retainer over Michael B Jordan in Black Panther," which is just *chef's kiss.*
While Robb admitted that having Jordan follow her and then DM her was pretty life-changing. Specifically, she tweeted, "I've peaked! this is peaking! I'm so happy to say that this is the best thing that has ever happened to me!”
The real best thing to ever happen to her was when Jordan tweeted her an apology for the whole Twitterverse to see. He wrote,
"Since I feel partly responsible for breaking your retainers. let me know if I can replace them."
Hear that? That's the sound of so many more retainers breaking across the country.
Perhaps no one should be that surprised by Jordan's response being that he's been killing it on Twitter lately. Jordan's flirty tweets with Lupita Nyong’o have fans shipping them, not to mention, wishing he'd do some more push-ups. But it's his response to a disrespectful tweeter who said he was "a 5’9” adult man that loves anime & lives with his parents" that deserves all the applause.
Jordan defended his anime fandom in one fire tweet. "First of All I’m 6ft and they live with ME, put some respeck on my name," he wrote, adding, "aaaand goku & naruto are real ones." Oh, you best believe Jordan is a Dragon Ball fan.
Despite his Twitter offer, Robb told INSIDER she doesn't expect Jordan to actually pay for her retainer, which has since been replaced by her insurance. But, she would like to keep him to another promise he made in their DM exchange.
When she told him that her insurance took care of her retainer, she also added something else. "If you're ever in the [California] Bay area, you and my orthodontist should take a photo over it.'" Robb recalled to INSIDER. "And he was like, 'totally,' which is good enough for me. I fangirled so hard."
What Jordan's tweets and his shirtless scenes in Black Panther show is that he's a guy who's worth having to replace a retainer for. Maybe even two or three or four retainers. Seriously, have you seen Michael B. Jordan in Creed 2? The world's orthodontist's are going to be seriously busy come November.