Mercury Retrograde & The Supermoon Are Happening On The Same Day — Here’s What It Means

When you hear that the forces of a ~super~moon and Mercury gone retrograde are combining, you might figure it best to just hang under your covers all day. Yes, mercury retrograde and the supermoon are happening at the same time — Mercury retrograde begins Dec. 3, which is also when the December supermoon is — but you shouldn't pause your daily life because of it! The astrological energy from these astronomical forces isn't all that scary. You just might want to take a little more precaution on Sunday, Dec. 3 when the supermoon falls in Gemini and Mercury turns retrograde — that's all.
It might sound like the world is going to end (full moon?! retrograde?!) — and wouldn't that be a perfect conclusion for 2017 — but don't worry, it won't. There's a whole lot of positivity to get out of this coincidental alignment. A full moon in any case is a spectacle. A ~supermoon~ (might I add, the only supermoon of 2017) is enough to get your friend who is opposed to outdoor activities to camp underneath the night sky. Think of this occurrence as a bow on the entire past year. Under this supermoon and as Mercury takes a final bow, grab your journal and favorite felt tip pen, and get to really reflecting on all the things you've accomplished and list how to best get ahead in the coming year. You'll emerge in 2018 stronger than ever, and that's a great thing.
The supermoon, according to NASA, is what happens when the full moon manages to reaches perigee, or the closest point to the Earth. This makes the moon appear brighter and larger to us Earthlings. Astrologically, the supermoon will be in Gemini for the only time this year on Dec. 3. Also on Dec. 3, as I've mentioned, Mercury goes retrograde. Are you racking your brain to remember how or why you seem to remember that Gemini and Mercury relate to each other in some way? You're on to something: They are intertwined.
Gemini's ruling planet is Mercury, which rules communication. Things, which is to say things related to relaying messages on any medium, might get a little tangled. The stars might have your tongue, so just think thoughts through before blurting them out. If things seem to get whacky, just take a deep breath. Astrologists say this supermoon is lighthearted, which is perfect for making rounds on the holiday party circuit. You never know who you might meet, where you might travel off to, or what holiday bonus is in store. Just keep an eye on pesky retrograde Mercury. Not because it's here to ruin your day, week, month, life — just because it forces you to make more responsible, thorough decisions, basically.
When Mercury typically goes retrograde, Gemini's feel the most brunt of its shadow-slash-temper tantrum. I happen to be born under the twin sign and I can say I'm already experiencing some retrograde blunders revolving around travel. It turns out when you want to go camping in Scotland in the winter, most camp sites are ~closed~. Go figure! Use me as an example and learn from my mistakes on how to move forward during this time. Before booking the sleeper van for your adventurous travel, do your extensive research and reading. Map out your tentative itinerary and see what's in store. Permit requirements? Closed roads? Closed EVERYTHING?!
Beyond travel, this also pertains to finances and romance. The moon may usher love your way, but with Mercury retrograde, you might want to wait to make any long-term commitments. Keep an eye on your bank account as to not run the risk of over drafting or being charged twice for something (it happens). Continue living life as usual, the holiday season is sure to be festive, just take things slowly so you can ~enjoy~ every minute.