The Perfect Memes For National Chocolate Cake Day

January 27th isn't just any regular day. It's Chocolate Cake Day, and these 12 memes about chocolate cake for Chocolate Cake Day will help you get in the spirit things if you weren't one hundred percent prepared for the day. Just about everybody loves chocolate cake, and these 11 memes not only acknowledge that fact, but they also poke a little fun at just how obsessed some of us are about the beloved dessert. Simply put, if you're in need of a good laugh, you've come to the right place. Get ready to chuckle.
As these memes depict, if there's chocolate cake in the vicinity, emotions may run a little haywire. And you know what? That's OK. Especially on a day like this one. Make sure you take the time to track down a chocolate cake today and spend at least a good ten minutes indulging in its sweetness. If you ever needed an excuse to buy yourself an entire chocolate cake, your day has finally come. If you really feel like going above and beyond, share your find with the entire office (they'll love you forever). Trust me when I say there's no better way to start the weekend.
Go, go, go!
The cravings can get real bad, real fast.
It really makes no sense.
Let's be real ... you're having the molten chocolate cake either way.
Life isn't fair.
That's like hating happiness.
Sometimes, the thought doesn't count.
Kid ain't joking around.
And like it he certainly did.
Nothing beats a homemade chocolate cake.
People get really serious about their chocolate cake.
Images: Markus Spiske/Pexels; MemeCenter