How Meghan Markle Fans Can Still Read Her Blog Even Though She Took It Down

Slowly but surely, Meghan Markle has been moving away from the Hollywood actress and lifestyle blogger she once was to make room for her upcoming journey as the newest member of England's royal family. She and Prince Harry will be starting a brand new life together starting May 19, and although fans are bursting at the seams with anticipation for another royal wedding, it's still hard to see good things come to an end — including Meghan Markle's lifestyle blog The Tig.
Never heard of it? Well, The Tig was a "hub for the discerning palate — those with a hunger for food, travel, fashion [and] beauty," according to the now-inactive site's "About" section per the Wayback Machine, a website that stores internet archives. Thanks to handy tools like that, die-hard Markle fans can relive many recipe, travel, and wellness posts Markle shared during the site's three-year existence.
Of course, Markle is too well-mannered to leave visitors with a mere and dreary "Sorry, this page could not be reached" error message. No. Where the active homepage of The Tig once lived, now lies a sweet goodbye letter from Markle herself, which reads:
To all my Tig friends
After close to three beautiful years on this adventure with you, it's time to say goodbye to The Tig. What began as a passion project (my little engine that could) evolved into an amazing community of inspiration, support, fun and frivolity. You've made my days brighter and filled this experience with so much joy. Keep finding those Tig moments of discovery, keep laughing and taking risks, and keep being "the change you wish to see in the world."
Above all, don't ever forget your worth — as I've told you time and time again: you, my sweet friend, you are enough.
Thank you for everything.
If you weren't a frequent visitor of The Tig in its glory days, you may not understand what Markle is referring to when she tells her readers to "Keep finding those Tig moments." It's a long, but inspiring story.
"Tig" is short for the name of Markle's favorite full-bodied Italian red wine, Tignanello. And when she sipped it for the first time, she had an "Aha" moment, now referred to as "Tig" moments for her. "Suddenly I understood what people meant by the body, legs, structure of wine," she wrote. "From that point on, any new awareness, any new discovery or 'ohhhhh, I get it!' moment was a 'Tig' moment." Sweet, right?
When Markle first pulled the plug on the site, sources claimed to People that its removal was unrelated to her relationship with Prince Harry, and that she made the choice based on her desire to focus more on her acting career and humanitarian efforts. However, shortly after that, she announced her resignation from her seven-year stint on the TV show Suits, saying that she was preparing to team up for the rest of life with her future husband, the royal prince. She sealed the deal with the deletion of her social media presence, including Instagram and Twitter, echoing the lack of online profiles run by members of the royal family.
Now, it's up to the official accounts of the Kensington Palace to live up to the quality content she used to share with her followers. And although the engagement shots of her and Harry that were shared back in December are unbelievably perfect, there's another destination on the web where fans can get their fix for all things related to Markle's influence.
Meghan's Mirror is a website run by two women, Amanda Dishaw and Christine Ross, who have become the "authority on all things related to Markle’s style," per Racked. The founders are joined by 15 other people who spend their days keeping tabs on what they call the "Markle sparkle" — from clothes she is spotted wearing to the eyebrow gel she uses. Someone give these women an award, because in spite of losing The Tig, they are doing us all a service by keeping fans informed on what's important — all of Meghan Markle's favorite things.