M&S Are Selling Gin-Infused Cream So Your Wimbledon Treats Can Get A Lil Boozy

Summer has finally hit and you guys know damn straight that you are ready for seasonal fruits made British. And when I say made British, I mean drowned in cream and alcohol. Ugh, lush. Who needs the health benefits of fruit anyway? Dip my strawbs in alcohol and coat them in cream. It's summer and I want to let loose. But imagine if you could streamline this process? Like some sort of delicious hybrid of both cream and booze so the dipping and coating is done at once. Well, Marks & Spencer is selling a pink gin cream so you literally don't have to do it yourself.
Praise be and can I get drunk off it? OK, probably not. But let's be real, it's about to make absolutely every single thing you eat taste like boozy creamy dreamy heaven.
The cream is being launched just in time for Wimbledon season and is about to seriously level up your strawberries and cream game. I mean, with a description like this, how could it not?
"Delicious extra-thick cream infused with pink gin and a little raspberry for a blush colour and light berry flavour."
Drooling. Can't help it. Send napkins.
But if you think you're excited, you should hear what The Sun reports M&S Dairy Product Developer Rosie While has to say about it. I dare you not to read this in the M&S advert voice:
"Our Pink Gin Cream is set to be a game-changer this summer. Our customers love gin in everything so we couldn't resist adding their favourite tipple to our extra-special cream just in time for Wimbledon."
You know what? People really do love gin in everything. And this is an affordable gin-infused item, coming in at only £3.50.
The gin used in the yummy cream is the retail giant's own brand of Think Pink Gin. And guys, they are absolutely not about to stop at gin flavoured cream. Oh no. M&S is also launching Ginking Rosé, which is a redonkulously delicious combination of a sparkling pink rosé wine and gin. I am aware that mixing wine and gin sounds like the absolute grossest but you know what? It's lush. Also, it's 2019 and if you want to mix your drinks you're absolutely within your right to and that's a fact. It costs only £13 a bottle so you would be actually bonkers to miss out on the opportunity to ginify your life even further.
As Wimbledon is kicking off from July 1, this is just about the busiest time of year for refreshing, boozy, traditional drinks. And for strawberries and cream, of course. According The Sun, M&S expect to flog a pretty wild 12 million individual strawberries during the two-week tournament. Holy moly, that's definitely enough to turn you into an actual strawberry.
However you decide to gin-ify or cream-ify your life, make sure to do so responsibly. And also make sure to not throw anything at the telly during any particularly tense tennis moments. It's not worth being down one TV and missing Love Island for.