The 'Manhunt: Unabomber' Showrunner Already Has Plans For Season 2

The debut season of Discovery's limited true crime series, Manhunt: Unabomber is coming to a thrilling conclusion, but, after such an intense season, fans are likely to be invested even after the credits roll. So, will Manhunt: Unabomber return for Season 2 on Discovery? In a phone interview with showrunner and executive producer Greg Yaitanes, he reveals to Bustle what fans can expect for the future of the series.
Though there has been no official announcement or plans for a second run, Yaitanes is on board for another season (and possibly more than that) if Discovery gives the go-ahead. And, the fan base is certainly there, with many of them tweeting along with episodes, which Yaitanes says is "thrilling." He adds, "I'm surprised actually by the social presence. This is not the type of show that I would think people would be tweeting along to, but they're invested. They're invested in the work, they're invested in the characters." So, these fans shouldn't worry too much. Yaitanes says the lack of official announcement just now is because it's too soon (the finale hasn't even aired yet). "Discovery is rightfully and methodically waiting to see what the overall experience was and what it did," he says.
And, though Yaitenes says he doesn't yet know if the show will return, he has some plans for it if it does. The time period in which the Unabomber investigation was at his peak is of particular interest to him, especially when it pertains to other notable true crime stories. "The '90s were a very interconnected time. You have Waco, you have Oklahoma, you have Menendez, you have OJ," he says. "Cameras were coming into the courtroom for the first time, the nation was gripped by the JonBenét mystery. You know, Fitz also worked on that as well."
These other '90s stories have already been popular for true crime series today, and Yaitanes is interested in exploring that as well. "I think there is an opportunity to have another Manhunt that intersects at that time, which would be cool," he says. But, he has other ideas too. "If it didn't do that, then it would be cool to have the Unabomber in the rear view and be able to just look back to it. I love when you kind of build a little universe with connections between stories."
Speaking to the format for future seasons, Yaitanes is interested in keeping it in the realm of an anthology, saying, "Even if they did a Season 3 and Season 4, it would need to be a different manhunt for every season." But, when it comes to exact cases that he wants to explore for the next possible Manhunt, he is hesitant to spill all the beans just yet, but does want it to be a gripping story. "It would have to be something that warranted the unpacking of eight episodes," he says. "Because part of what made the Unabomber topic so great, was that it was more than we could possibly fit into eight episodes." So whatever this next case may be for a possible Season 2, it would be something that can really be dug into for an eight episode run.
Hopefully, fans will soon get news of a second season of Manhunt to look forward to. Util then, they can heck out the Manhunt: Unabomber season finale, Tuesday Sep. 12 at 10 p.m. ET on Discovery.