You Can Replace The Lyft App Icon With Capri Suns, Thanks To This Iconic 'Insecure' Scene

Capri Sun, Lyft, and Insecure. Before the third season premiere of Issa Rae's HBO series, these three things didn't really have a reason to appear in the same sentence — but now, it's at the forefront of fans of the show's minds. If you're not familiar with what happened in the episode to get people talking about Capri Sun so much, I'll quickly summarize: basically, Issa picks up a new job as a (party) Lyft driver and makes sure her Lyft ride is stocked up with Capri Sun pouches to offer to riders. Naturally, fans loved Issa's idea and desperately want to see Capri Suns in the cupholders of their next Lyft ride — which, in turn, just led to Capri Sun icons in the Lyft app as a response.
It started with a giant slew of Twitter users live tweeting the Insecure premiere and commenting on Issa's genius plan to offer riders the quintessential childhood drink when they hopped into her car. "Capri Sun" even started trending on Twitter — people weren't kidding when they said they'd love to see the drinks in ride share service cars. After all the attention, it seemed appropriate that Lyft would somehow incorporate Capri Sun into their app to give the people what they wanted. It's time to rejoice, because they did.
Just in time for the next few episodes of Insecure, Lyft is giving riders the chance to turn their in-app Lyft car icons into Capri Sun juice boxes. Yep, you can watch a Capri Sun pouch moving down your street in the app on its way to pick you up. Starting August 18, Lyft tells Bustle, Lyft riders can enter a special code — "CapriSun" — into the app the next time they ride, and then watch the cars transform into juice boxes before their eyes. It's the simple joys that make all the difference.
Lyft is also teaming up with Capri Sun to create a poll for Capri Sun's Twitter account to let fans vote on what Capri Sun flavors they want to see in a Party Lyft, which is set to go live on August 19. This means that you may want to head to the grocery store and pick up a few pouches to refresh your tastebuds' memory (if you're like me and haven't tasted one since sitting in the cafeteria in middle school). There's still one burning question left: will we start seeing actual Capri Sun pouches inside Lyft rides any time soon? Currently, it's still up in the air — but nothing is impossible, so hold on to hope.
Out of all the things I miss about childhood, the snacks and drinks are probably the highest on the list. Nothing will ever truly measure up to being able to eat dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and Kraft macaroni and cheese every night without being judged (and of course enjoying Capri Sun on a regular basis). I think Issa and everyone live-tweeting about the Lyft Capri Sun pouches were onto something — what's wrong with enjoying a little blast from the past in food-or-drink form? Even better is the idea of being able to do it in the privacy of a Lyft ride, where you won't be judged for drinking three juice boxes in a row. Life imitates art, so hopefully that wonderful Insecure scene will translate into Capri Sun in Lyfts becoming a worldwide phenomenon.