If you've always wanted a pet turtle — and really, who hasn't?!— but haven't gotten around to it or just haven't been able to commit, then Lush has a fitting substitute. The Lush Turtle Jelly Bomb bath fizzer might be the brand's cutest yet. It's seriously adorbs and you will want to play with it. This bath time treat is like having a fake pet turtle — until you run it under the faucet and it dissolves, leaving you with fragranced, skin-softening bath water.
But the Lush Turtle Bath Bomb is about form and substance. It's much more than something that stimulates your senses and enhances your evening soak in the tub. As if.
The Turtle Jelly Bomb is packaging-free. So there is no waste or negative impact on the environment. It also fights against further plastic pollution of the planet.
As Lush notes in the product description, many sea turtles die each year from consuming plastic debris in the ocean that they mistake for food. To combat the heartbreaking and unnecessary deaths of this beautiful species, Lush created the Turtle Jelly Bomb to help reduce our footprints on the earth.
So, you can use it in good conscience knowing that you aren't contributing additional waste. And that should leave you feeling turtle-y excited. See what we just did there?!
This blissful fizzer, featuring coarse sea salt, will also soothe your senses and your skin. It's a robust and uplifting blend of cypress, smoky sandalwood, and fresh pine. As it melts in the water, it reveals opaque agar seaweed strings. Those serve to thicken the water and mimic ocean waste and to ultimately remind us that the turtles need our help to stop ocean pollution.
The delightfully slimy bath water raises awareness effectively. The agar strings won't harm waterways while advancing that important and impactful message, either. As the Instagram post on the Lush feed notes, digital orders are shipped with biodegradable packing peanuts.
If you've not used a Lush Jelly Bomb yet, here's a crash course in how to make the most of it. Drop it in the tub and play with the bomb as it slowly fizzes. It truly is a sensory wonderland in cute turtle form.
You might find yourself resisting the act of running it under water because you love the cute shape and want to keep the turtle in tact!
Of course Lushies are already pledging their allegiance and are now charter members of the Turtle Jelly Bomb Nation. They have made their voices heard and their opinions known in the comments of the Insta post.
This user is onto something! You could totally purchase a few of the turtles and not use them in the way they were intended. You could instead perch them on your vanity as decor. Move over, Rubber Duckies of the world. You have been supplanted by the Lush Turtle Jelly Bomb. The cuteness cannot be denied.
Just when you thought Lush bath bombs couldn't get any better or be any more tempting.... they get better and are more tempting.
This user isn't loving the idea of the seaweed strands that are a result of the turtle dissolution! Well, they are a part of the product to drive home an important point. And they'll make you feel like your tub has transformed into the ocean for a hot second — minus the actual marine life, salt water, and sharks! So why not?!
The Lush Turtle Jelly Bomb is currently available online. It arrives in Lush locations on June 29. What a way to start the summer.
This isn't the first Lush launch to raise awareness on plastic pollution. The brand's solid, plastic-free Shampoo Bars went viral last week thanks to Facebook video highlighting the product's innovation and reduction of plastic waste. Lush sold 71,000 additional units in the last week-and-a-half. The end result is the prevention of more than 213,000 plastic bottles from potentially ending up in our waterways.
Viva la Turtles! Save 'em all while softening that skin.