Kylie Jenner Just Posted A Snapchat Video Of Baby Stormi & It Will Melt Your Heart

On Sunday, Feb. 25, Kylie Jenner offered her fans a rare glimpse of her baby daughter, Stormi Webster. Kylie Jenner posted a Snapchat video of Baby Stormi and it's too cute. In the video, Kylie caresses her daughter's tiny toes and coos, “Mommy’s cute little toes." Little Stormi appeared to be wearing a white onesie. The public hasn't seen Baby Stormi yet —and it's completely up to Kylie if or when that ever happens— but this small glimpse of Stormi shows Kylie as a doting mom and it's so sweet.
Kylie was extremely private about her pregnancy and she did not confirm nor deny rumors until after the birth of Stormi on Feb. 1. On Feb. 4, she announced to the world via Twitter and Instagram that she was indeed pregnant and had given birth to a baby girl on Feb. 1. She also shared a touching video of her pregnancy journey, which also included the first glimpses of Stormi after she was born: her hands and feet. And after having such a private pregnancy, it seems like Kylie wants to share parts of motherhood with her fans without invading her daughter's privacy and it's such a great thing to see.
Kylie's Snapchat video of Stormi was also exclusively posted on Snapchat and not on Instagram Stories. Earlier in the day, she posted her push present, a Ferrari car, and information about her cosmetic line to both Snapchat and IG stories. Later on Feb. 25, she only posted the Stormi video to Snapchat and it's nowhere to be found on Instagram. Perhaps she wants to help out Snapchat after her comments about the app may have caused their stocks to go down — or maybe it was just a coincidence.
On Feb. 21, Kylie tweeted the following:
sooo does anyone else not open Snapchat anymore? Or is it just me... ugh this is so sad.
still love you tho snap ... my first love
It seemed to be the tweet that was heard around Wall Street. The next day on Feb. 22, Reuters tweeted, "Snap loses about $1.5 billion in market value following Kylie Jenner's tweet on Snapchat redesign." Yikes, right? It really happened. Daniel Ives of GBH Insights told CNN that Kylie's tweets possibly caused the dip in market value. He told the news outlet.
“We believe this is an overreaction as Wall Street is hypersensitive to the app redesign. With roughly 25 million followers, [Jenner] carries a loud mouthpiece that speaks to today's knee jerk reaction in shares."
And it was likely to be the redesign that initially kept Kylie away from her beloved app. On Feb. 9, Kylie tweeted:
Mm just saw the new Snapchat.. I don’t know how i feel about it! What do you guys think?
Perhaps Kylie had a change of heart and wanted to show Stormi the new Snapchat. Maybe it was a bedtime story: "Once upon a time, Snapchat had a design people liked more than this one..."
No matter Kylie's reasoning, fans are fawning over the video of Stormi.
There are many, many hearts melting on Twitter right now due to the sight of Little Stormi. One fan even theorized that the Stormi video could help Snapchat recoup some losses.
Maybe this means Kylie is OK with the Snapchat redesign now...or perhaps she just wants to share this adorable moment with only her Snapchat fans for now.
Of course, if and when the public sees Stormi is totally up to Kylie, but it's sweet moments like this that show how the makeup mogul is enjoying motherhood without invading the privacy of both mom and baby.