Marshmallows, prepare for another season of sleuthing. Yes, a Veronica Mars revival is officially coming to Hulu next year. And who better to announceVeronica Mars' long awaited return than its star Kristen Bell, who teased that this new version of the show will give fans a more mature Veronica in a video posted on Twitter. But, don't worry, she may be older and wiser, but she still has no problem tasering her friends or her enemies.
Bell celebrated the Veronica Mars reboot by going straight to social media and leaving a video message to all the show's die-hard fans. "This is a very important Marshmallow announcement," she said with her mouth pushed all the way up to the camera. "Did you know that as of summer 2019 all the old Veronica Mars episodes will be available on Hulu to stream and rewatch?" Well, they will. According to The Hollywood Reporter, all three seasons of Veronica Mars will be available to stream, along with the 2014 feature film. But that's not all.
"Which is great," Bell continued, "because you'll need to brush up since we're making another one!" The new season of Veronica Mars will reportedly be eight episodes long and will also start streaming in 2019. No exact date has been given as of now, but it's clear Bell is excited.
Along with her video, Bell, who will star in and executive produce the new series, tweeted a thank you to "all the marshmallows for staying excited and to @Hulu for giving Veronica a chance to wear her big girl pants. I hope we’re still friends after I taser you."
While the details of the series are still scarce, it will once again delve into the lifestyles of those that live in Neptune, CA, which has seen its fair share of crime over the years. This time around, spring breakers are being killed and it's definitely hurting the local tourism business, as reported by EW. And that might just be the point.
But don't worry, Veronica is on the case after one of the victims' families enlists her to help them find their son's killer. No surprise, this crime, like so many others in Neptune, is connected to the town's class divide. While the upper class members of society would love the spring breaking to finally end, the working class' well-being relies on those debaucherous college kids.
As of now, Bell is the only confirmed returning cast member and don't worry, she'll still be able to work on The Good Place, too. But creator Rob Thomas will participate in the revival, writing the first episode and setting the tone for the series, which sounds like it won't stray too far from the original.
That's a good thing, in Bell's opinion. "Veronica has always been a super hero without a Cape," Bell wrote on Instagram. "And I think she's exactly what the world needs right now." It's easy to argue, though, that the world will always need a smart, funny female detective. When Veronica Mars returns things might be a little different, but it's safe to say those same fans who have loved her all these years will be excited to see her back on the case.