If you're still struggling to get back to your regular routine after the announcement that Chris Pratt and Anna Faris are divorcing, you could get some relief from a surprising source. Kristen Bell's thoughts on divorce are surprisingly uplifting, and they'll help you get through the devastation. Although Bell hasn't experienced divorce herself — she's been happily married to Dax Shepard since October 2013 — she doesn't shy away from the topic, and her attitude on breakups in general is extraordinarily refreshing.
E! News asked Bell for her take on Pratt and Faris' split. And she gave the exact opposite of a down-in-the-dumps answer about how it was the end of an era. Just because something ends doesn't mean it was never worthwhile to begin with, and that's a fact that the Frozen star wants to remind all of us of.
She told E!,
"I think there's a little bit of lack of acknowledgment about really loving something that was. If there are two people that decide not to be together, it shouldn't really be a heartbreak for everyone."
Instead of fixating on what was negative about an ended relationship, Bell thinks the focus should be put where it belongs — on what was positive about it.
"You should say, 'Oh, they tried. But that doesn't discount the lovely years they had together.' If I ever get divorced, I'm still going to be like, 'Wow, I loved being married to that man.'"
And that right there is the most important part of her remark — the open and honest way she can talk about if she herself ever gets divorced. It doesn't suggest that there's any reason to fear for their relationship. Actually, the fact that she's willing to talk about it suggests exactly the opposite. It's clear from Bell's statements that for as difficult as a theoretical divorce would be, she wouldn't view it as the end of the world. Instead, it would just be the next chapter in her life, and she would do her best never to regret the one that came before.
She loves her life now, and that fact wouldn't be erased just because one of her most major relationships ran its course. It's an incredibly healthy way to think about love and loss and the kinds of changes that can impact a marriage, and those devastated by Faris and Pratt's split should all take inspiration from it. It's about celebrating what was great about a relationship and moving forward without being dragged down by its end. And it sounds like Kristen Bell has that down to a science.