Gather round, fellow Kit Kat lovers, while I give you some extremely good news and some slightly less good news. The extremely good news is that a Kit Kat Duos Mint + Dark Chocolate bar is on the way, and is quite possibly the best mint-flavored thing you will ever taste. The slightly less good news is that you will have to wait until December 2019 to try it in all of its full minty glory — but seeing as this is poised to become a permanent Kit Kat offering, the months will be more than well worth the wait.
There's a chance that this isn't the first you've heard of this new Kit Kat Duos bar, which made a few rounds on Instagram when images of it leaked. Now, though, the flavor launch has been confirmed, along with the delicious details: per Kit Kat, it will feature "mint crème on the top and dark chocolate on the bottom surrounding a light and crispy wafer." Basically, Kit Kats, but make it fashion.
And as far as fashion goes, the new packaging and the wafer bars inside really are quite Instagrammy — the mint crème on the top of the bar is a beautiful pastel seafoam green that I'm not not stealing for one of my future wedding colors, and honestly, the image of the bar cracked in half is the exact kind of aesthetic I am hoping to adopt for the rest of 2019.
Bustle was among the few lucky early taste-testers of this upcoming Kit Kat, which is why I am currently spiraling into existential candy despair — the bar is that good. Like, imagine the most delicious minty holiday chocolate you ever had as a kid — that first candy you pilfered out of your stocking and shoved in your mouth on Christmas morning — and this is that feeling in Kit Kat form. The mint is perfectly balanced with the dark chocolate, and for people who are maybe a bit turned off by how strong both of those flavors are, the wafer does a perfect job of softening them by adding that satisfying Kit Kat crunch.
If you are a true Kit Kat stan, you'll know that although this may be the first new flavor shakeup in nearly a decade, there are all kinds of Kit Kat flavors that have been launched internationally. Notably, the iconic "millennial pink Kit Kat" made its way through Japan and South Korea in January 2018; a "cake-stuffed" Kit Kat hit Japan in 2017; and heck, the U.S. got limited edition Red Velvet Kit Kats for Valentine's Day this year. So while we have technically always had a lot of delicious Kit Kat options at our disposal, this time we can all rest assured knowing this new flavor isn't going anywhere, and won't cost us an arm and a leg to ship over on eBay. We may be waiting a long time for them to come out, but don't worry, y'all — it was all mint to be.