There are so many ways for people in the spotlight to use their celebrity for good, and Kim Kardashian tweeting her support for Planned Parenthood is one of them. The reality star tends to stay quiet on political issues, but lately it's become clear just how much she cares about women's health care. Back in May, TMZ reported Kim, Khloé, and Kourtney took a trip to a Planned Parenthood for an upcoming episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and on Friday, Kim urged her followers to call their representatives. She tweeted,
"#IStandWithPP & am calling my senators today to protect health care access for millions. We can stop#Trumpcare"
Kim ended her tweet with a link to a video featuring her fellow celebs explaining how you can get in contact with your senator. In light of the American Health Care Act, which would defund Planned Parenthood and potentially leave many people without access to prenatal care, STD and cancer screenings, and other invaluable services, seeing the star take action is so important. This is not the time to stay silent, and Kim seems to understand that she could have a positive impact on her fans by speaking out. With more than 58 million followers on Twitter alone, her reach is impressive.
Celebrities sometimes get flack for sharing their political beliefs (or not sharing them). Ultimately, they don't have an obligation to reveal where they stand on the political spectrum. But that only makes Kim's Planned Parenthood advocacy so much more important. For years, she has largely stayed on brand by keeping the focus on her family and their fascinating lives. However, she seems to recognize she has an opportunity to make a difference by sharing information about the threat being posed to women's health care with her fans.
KUWTK's popularity crosses political lines, which means Kim could potentially educate fans who aren't fully aware of the range of services that Planned Parenthood provides. Her words are bound to help those who already support the program as well, especially if they aren't sure how to make their voices heard.
At this critical moment for women's health, every voice counts, and Kim deserves major kudos for choosing to stand with Planned Parenthood — and to share her stance with the world.