Kim K & Chrissy Teigen Making Fun Of Kanye’s Serious Tweets Will Crack You Up

It's not too often that fans get to see Kim Kardashian and Kanye West interact on social media. But when those choice interactions do come around, it's no well-kept secret that the powerhouse couple usually knocks it out of the (virtual) park. Joined by Chrissy Teigen, Kim Kardashian made fun of Kanye West's philosophical tweets on Tuesday evening, it seems pretty safe to say the superstar duo has still got it. For all the Kimye aficionados out there who love nothing more than a clever round of social-media laden banter, this latest iteration of quips will probably have you rooting for the married pair even more vigorously than before. (Don't believe me? Just wait.)
In what has generally come to be regarded as pretty typical for the musician (who, as most pop culturally savvy folks already know, also doubles as a celebrated fashion designer and entrepreneur to boot), West seemed pretty lost in his own existential musings this week. Not such a bizarre occurrence when it comes to West, who tends to wax philosophical every now and then via social media — in fact, he's sort of famous for it. So, when West mysteriously reactivated his Twitter account last Friday, April 13, some fans suspected that some profound tidbits of distinctly West-inspired wisdom were probably on the horizon. After scrolling through the rapper's Tuesday and Wednesday tweets, it looks like they were right.
One of West's particularly intriguing tweets caught his wife's attention. Amid a series of similarly thoughtful tweets just like it, West shared a stark piece of insight with his Twitter following late Tuesday morning. "Sometimes you just have to get rid of everything," he wrote, in a tweet that has since gone viral. Sounds like some pretty heavy stuff, no? Kardashian didn't seem to think so. Capitalizing on what the famed reality star apparently found to be an excellent opportunity for a wisecrack, Kardashian penned an endearing and clever reply to her husband's tweet, one that seems to embody the "opposites attract" concept to the fullest extent.
Replying to her husband's broody statement, Kardashian wrote, "Wait...EVERYTHING?!?!?!" Naturally, she finished the epic reply with the hand-raise emoji. Because, as Kimye fans are probably well-aware, it certainly doesn't seem like West is angling to "get rid of" his wife any time soon.
Judging by the tweet's comments section, fans were loving the joke. And, in what might arguably be the grandest Twitter-related compliment of all time, Teigen — queen of social media clap-backs — thought Kardashian's tweet was pretty funny, too. That's some high praise.
Commenting on Kardashian's tweet, Teigen got in on the sarcasm-infused action. "I have an air mattress here and I have been itching to bust it out if you need," the model wrote, initiating a brief — albeit, wholly entertaining — back-and-forth between Kardashian and herself.
"Might need some more for the kids? Just not clear on what everything really means. I need clarity," Kardashian wrote back. Finishing, she directed some gratitude Teigen's way, saying, "Thanks for being such a good friend."
West's Twitter feed was littered with vaguely philosophical tweets throughout the vast majority of Tuesday morning and early afternoon and on into Wednesday. And it all seems to have something to do with his follow-up announcement Wednesday morning, April 18, in which West explained that the tweets are meant to comprise a philosophy book that he's "writing in real time," apparently.
After penning a string of seemingly out-of-left field wisdom on Twitter (the likes of which included: "distraction is the enemy of vision," "fear often causes people to be manipulative," and "you have to protect your ability to create at all costs"), West offered a bit of context to fans in his Wednesday follow-up, tweeting, "Oh by the way this is my book that I'm writing in real time. No publisher or publicist will tell me what to put where or how many pages to write." He finished by explaining that the book "is not a financial opportunity," but rather a manifestation of his "innate need to be expressive."
Last week, West first revealed in The Hollywood Reporter that his own personal philosophy book is in the works. So, it's probably safe to say there's a lot more West-isms where these ones came from. Either way, as her witty reply suggests, it doesn't seem like Kardashian takes the whole thing too seriously. After all, she's probably used to it by now.