Khloé Kardashian Is Planning Baby True's Christening With One Special Detail In Mind

Now that True Thompson is three months old, her mom is starting to think about her upcoming milestones, and recently, she shared her plans for a big one. On Friday, Khloé Kardashian opened up about True's christening, and it sounds like she has a pretty sweet plan in the works that involves True's dad's family. In fact, the location that she's picked out is already important to the Thompsons, which should make it even more special for True's big day.
The topic came up when a fan tweeted Kardashian, asking her if she planned on giving True a christening. "Yes I do!!!" she replied. "I want to do it at Tristan's mom's church."
It's so sweet that Kardashian wants to include Thompson's side of the family in such an important day of their grandchild's life. After seeing her appearance on Keeping Up With The Kardashians last season, it's clear that Thompson and his mom are very close and that family is incredibly important to her. She must be pretty thrilled with this plan, because what grandma wouldn't be?
Unfortunately, Kardashian didn't open up about any other ideas she has for that day, but knowing her, we can probably count on seeing plenty of beautiful photos of what's sure to be a day she'll never forget — and if Kris Jenner is involved, the party they throw afterward will be phenomenal.
And speaking of True, Kardashian also shared an update on her little one with fans by posting brand-new photos of her on Instagram. So far, she hasn't posted too many photos of her baby online, but her latest pictures are definitely worth the wait — and it's kind of hard to believe how big True is getting already.
On Saturday, Kardashian shared two new pictures of True wearing an adorable white dress and matching bonnet. In one, she's yawning, and in the other, she's looking a bit upset, but in both? She's so cute. It's hard to tell if she looks more like her mom or dad yet, but as she gets older, it'll be easier to see the resemblance.
"Mood," Kardashian captioned the photos, adding a heart eye emoji. "P.S. why are rolls soooooo cute on babies?!"
It's easy to agree with her there: True looking sleepy is definitely A Mood. Isn't this how we all feel on a Monday morning?
True's dad also commented his thoughts on the photo, which was so sweet:
It's good to see that Kardashian is enjoying her time with baby True, because not only has she wanted to be a mom for what seems like forever, but it's also no easy task to take care of an infant. As she's pointing out on Twitter a lot lately, there are definitely points where she's struggling. It's pretty cool she's open about that kind of thing; there's no doubt that her sharing her true feelings about motherhood is helping other moms out there who feel the same way.
In fact, over the weekend she tweeted her excitement about getting some sleep on a Friday night after tucking True into bed, as many moms can probably relate to:
And when another mom piped up to give her advice to sleep when her baby sleeps, she shared her woes in that department as well. Mommin' ain't easy, y'all.
True, let your mom sleep. She's a very busy lady.
Now, all we have to do is wait for Kardashian to share more details about True's christening when the time comes and cross our fingers that we get to see more photos of her little one in the meantime. There's no doubt that it's going to be a really special day.