Another Day, Another Paul Show On 'Big Brother 19'

It had to happen eventually, but it did take a little longer than anyone thought it would to happen. Kevin got evicted on Big Brother 19 on Thursday night, in yet another predictable vote. As lovable as Kevin has been this whole time, he hasn't really been "playing" this game and he (like the rest of the cast) fell under Paul's puppet master spell. Kevin's Diary Room interviews will definitely be missed, but it was definitely his time to go.
Kevin hasn't won any competitions all season, and he blindly trusted Paul without making any game moves of his own. Sure that helped him to a certain extent, but there was no way he was going to win if he wasn't making any choices on his own. The only decision Kevin made for himself was going for that initial temptation to win $40,000 in the first episode, which, ironically, is what brought Paul into this game for his second chance at the $500,000 prize. To be fair, Paul's presence this season isn't really Kevin's fault, because other people did go for the initial temptation as well. So, even if Kevin did not do so, Paul was definitely coming in no matter what. It just all came full circle with Kevin's eviction tonight.
Sure, this wasn't like the rest of the votes this season since there was actually just one vote cast, but Paul ultimately controlled the outcome yet again. Paul has been running the house pretty much this whole time. He somehow aligned with everyone and they all thought that he exclusively had their back... until they all met up to talk smack on Paul in the jury house.
Paul won the Head of Household competition this week, which was essentially pointless since the Power of Veto winner had all of the power with the sole vote. However, Paul continued to control this season when he won that comp too. He kept his own nominations the same, of course. And, once again, everyone watching the show knew who was going home before the "vote" even took place.
Christmas was left to cast the only vote, and there was just no way that she was going to vote out her "ride or die" Josh. As per usual, Kevin handled himself with class and made it clear that he was just grateful he got to take part in the Big Brother experience. He hugged all three of the remaining contestants and wished them all good luck and told them "have a good time." He was a class act until the very end.
After weeks of sincerely telling Julie Chen that he hopes she "has a great night," Kevin finally joined the BB19 host in person on stage for his post-eviction exit interview. Julie asked Kevin, "Are you surprised to be sitting here right now?" Kevin admitted, "No. You have to have a good social game to start, which I had. You have to win a few comps, and I wasn't able to win any. So it doesn't bother me."
Unfortunately, Kevin remained under Paul's spell and named the vet as the one he was "most loyal to in this game." But, in his pre-taped goodbye message, Josh told Kevin that he had a final three deal with Christmas and Paul — so maybe Kevin's feelings towards Mr. Friendship will change? Nah, probably not. Kevin didn't seem too heartbroken by that revelation. He just told Julie, "They're the same age. They stay up and hang out and talk and things like that. They were closer in that way."
Now Kevin is on his way to the jury house with the rest of the cast members that Paul sent packing. Will Kevin be the same happy-go-lucky guy when he returns to the Big Brother stage on finale night or will he be voting with bitterness after comparing stories with the other jurors? And, most importantly, will Paul be invited to that highly talked about Thanksgiving dinner at Kevin's house in Boston? Only time (and Instagram posts) will tell.