It's official, TV's reboot fever isn't going anywhere anytime soon. With Will & Grace, Roseanne, and Dynasty revivals all heading to the small screen, everything old is suddenly new again. However, that doesn't mean everything needs to make a comeback. In a recent Instagram post, Judd Apatow mentioned the possibility of a Girls reboot, but the show just ended a month ago. Is it too soon to be thinking about a Girls return? I think so.
"It is a drag not being able to kick around Girls episode ideas anymore. Maybe I will keep a notebook and do it anyway. They brought back Will and Grace. Anything is possible."
Granted, Apatow isn't talking about bringing the show back in the immediate future — at least it doesn't sound like it. Instead, he uses the post to comment on how much he misses working with Lena Dunham, and how the recent spat of reboots has inspired him to keep a notebook with future Girls episode ideas in it just in case. While it might be fun to revisit Hannah, Marnie, Jessa, and Shoshanna (and baby Grover) in the future, Girls had a remarkable final season and it's way too soon to even imagine returning to the world of the show.
As much as I enjoy a good reboot, part of me would much rather see creators focusing on new projects. Apatow's post is about missing his collaborators first and foremost, and given the amazing stories he and Dunham told together, it's not surprising. Rather than think about delving back into Hannah's story, it would be amazing if he and Dunham worked on an entirely new show or movie together.
There is something to be said for letting a story come to its natural conclusion. Because it's so easy to become attached to fictional characters, fans often want revivals simply for the sake of revivals. The same is probably even more true for the writers who create these fascinating fictional people. In the case of Girls, all four of the main characters were given endings that felt like new beginnings. The chapter of their lives that focused on them coming of age in New York City was over, and they were ready to embrace their futures as adults.
Maybe there's more for Hannah to say, but she needs to live a little more first. In the meantime, Apatow and Dunham are incredibly gifted writers who should absolutely team up again. Girls may be over, but these two artists still have so many stories left to tell. If they decide to tell a few more of them together, I don't think anyone will complain.