John Legend Just Dropped A New Music Video That's Too Romantic For Words

Spring feels further away than ever this year. Fortunately, though, a certain singer has your fix. John Legend's "A Good Night" music video dropped on Friday, April 6, and fans will not be able to keep their winter chill. The music video was filmed entirely on Google Pixel phones, which is wild, and the romantic plot of "A Good Night" will warm you up better than the real first day of Spring ever could.
According to a press release, Legend was inspired by the timelessness of love, romance, and the excitement of meeting the one. "The song and the video are about a magical night where you meet someone you immediately connect with and can envision a future together," he said, " You're single, dating, probably using all the apps people use now... and not finding someone special. But one night—maybe caught up in the music or the drinks or whatever—you meet someone that changes everything." Legend goes on to explain "That's a good night!"
Legend intentionally set the video for "A Good Night" in a club, where he could "visually represent" the way people swipe away dating candidates on apps. By the end, though, there's good news. "It turns into a beautiful celebration of love and connection," insists Legend, "All DJ'd and hosted by yours truly!" Swoon.
If a "celebration of love and connection" that's DJ'd and emceed by Legend himself isn't the dreamiest thing in the world, what is?
In case you were wondering, the answer is yes; that is Jay Ellis from HBO's Insecure. Legend nails it again. Of course, it shouldn't come as a surprise that Legend creative directed the loveliest music video of 2018. With his voice, his piano, and his overall vibe, it's like Legend is the physical manifestation of romance. The Grammy winner will be the first to admit, though, that he's been out of the dating game for some time. (He married TV host and cookbook author Chrissy Teigen in 2013, and their relationship is everything.) While that may make it more difficult for some to write songs about falling in love time and time again, marriage to Teigen has seemingly only enhanced his songwriting ability.
After all, when his songs come on, no matter where you are, they make you want to ask someone out on a date. His music oozes sensuality in a way that defies sciences. Not a lot of people are capable of writing and performing music that can get people of all ages in the mood, but Legend can and does, with regularity. Seriously, how does he do it? Is he one of the X-Men, but his unique ability is making people want to fall in love?
It's worth noting that the market is super-saturated by dating and references to dating apps, so leave it to Legend to reinvent the game. A Season 4 episode of Black Mirror even addressed the ubiquity (and monotony) of dating apps, and Legend even found a way to top that. Again, the video shares a theme with one of the only Black Mirror episodes to end on a remotely uplifting note, and Legend still found a way to top it.
As Legend explains, he "talk[s] a lot about what's timeless about love and human connection," in his music, because "the ways we meet have changed a lot, but.. our emotional needs and desires probably aren't all that different" than they were before. Sigh. Even the way he talks about talking about love will make you go all starry-eyed.
So, enjoy Legend's new music video for "A Good Night." Perhaps he'll be willing to DJ your wedding, if you meet your significant other while watching it? You never know.