During the course of his presidency, Barack Obama's friendship with his then-vice president, Joe Biden, evolved into something of a pop culture legend. Especially in the last two months of the administration, memes about the pair circulated the internet at a rapid pace. But, it turns out that this specific trend wasn't just an inside joke among young people and fans on the internet. In an interview with NBC, Biden revealed that he knows the memes well — and also shared which Biden-Obama memes are his favorite.
"A couple of ones I liked were ones where I was trying on Ray Bans and he's lying on the couch and I turn around and I said, 'Which ones do you like?' And he looks at me and says, 'Joe, Joe, come on, focus here,'" Biden said in an interview with NBC's Savannah Sellers that was published on Wednesday.
He also confirmed that the spirit of the memes — in which he is generally depicted goofing off while Obama gently coaxes Biden's attention back to serious business — reflects the reality of their friendship. "There's thousands of them out there, but in essence, they're all true," he told NBC. "We had that kind of relationship."
His other favorite, he said, was a meme in which Biden is depicted telling Obama that he should leave a fake birth certificate behind in the White House for Donald Trump to stumble upon. (Trump is generally credited with beginning false rumors that Obama was not an American citizen.)
In March, Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, told Moneyish that she was the first one to share the memes with him. According to Ashley, her father “sat there for an hour and laughed." At the time, she also said that Biden's favorite meme was one in which he and Obama are shown hugging. During the embrace, Obama is captioned breaking the news to Biden that the two were only destined to spend eight years together.
But Biden was right — there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of Obama-Biden friendship memes. And as the one year mark of their departure from the White House approaches, here's a look back at some of the highlights.
Change Trump's Birth Certificate
Rub Balloons On His Hair
Bringing His Own Pence
Bill The White House
Booby Traps
Stop Copying Me
I Made a Flipagram
Knuckle Sandwich
You Didn't Say No
One Horcrux Down
Will Santa Know Where To Go?
Leaving When I Leave
Signing Adoption Papers
We Could Cut All the Cords
Smile & Wave
State Of The Union
Freak Pence Out
Took All The "T's"
Fear Of Spiders
The British Foreign Secretary
"Imma Point"
Want Him To Feel Welcome
You're My World, Bro
Biden and Obama may have moved on from the White House, but you better believe that once they hang out in public again, there will be plenty of new memes. Until then, America has these gems.