Why Jessica Chastain Should Play Poison Ivy

There was a great idea thrown out into the entertainment news universe on Monday, and by Jove, I think this one might have legs. In a recent interview with CinemaBlend, it was revealed that Jessica Chastain would like to play Poison Ivy in the planned Gotham City Sirens film. This is purely the actor voicing a wish and should not be taken as a casting confirmation. That said, Chastain even agreeing to the idea posed by CinemaBlend brings up some really interesting ideas about how the villain of Poison Ivy could be brought to life for a potentially watershed DCEU movie. Namely, Chastain could bring some real depth and substance to Poison Ivy, another character that has potential to become just another stereotypical female character.
Chastain gave CinemaBlend the lowdown on her exact feelings on whether or not she'd want to get involved with Gotham City Sirens, the planned DCEU film that would feature to teaming up of Gotham's biggest female villains: Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and possibly Catwoman, Katana as well as others. She said,
"I'm interested in all things where the characters are strong and dynamic, and not stereotypes or objects. I like female characters that are subjects, not objects. And so, if Poison Ivy happens to be that, sure. Throw my hat in the ring."
The star is certainly no stranger to dynamic roles and her résumé boasts a wide coterie of characters that confirm she has no trouble slipping into different character types. This is one of the main reasons that imagining her as Poison Ivy is so exciting; the modern Chastain-touch is just what a character like Poison Ivy needs.
In 2016 alone, Chastain's résumé confirms she was jumping around genres and roles. From The Martian to The Huntsman: Winter's War to Miss Sloane, Chastain is a proven actor and, to go a step further, a proven character actor when the occasion calls for it. Just as Margot Robbie brought depth and nuance to Harley Quinn (who has been treated reductively in the past), Chastain could elevate Poison Ivy. It's easy to get swept up with the flowing red hair that Poison Ivy sports; the need to ensure she's not reduced down to a few superficial character traits and a catchphrase would be better left in Chastain's capable hands.
Also, just between you and me, how amazing would it be to see Robbie and Chastain team up for something villainous? Yes, please.