Here’s How The Full Moon On New Year’s Day Will Affect Your Horoscope

As the sun finally sets on 2017, a full moon is set to rise to both figuratively and literally light the way into the new year. On an astronomical level this full moon will be considered a "supermoon" due to its planetary positioning. And likewise, in the astrological world, this first full moon of the year is considered pretty super. The January full moon 2018 astrology predictions are here and it looks like the moon will set a mostly positive tone for the year ahead.
Thank the lucky stars, too, because 2017 was seemingly a black hole of depressing headlines. Astrologers are forecasting that the year ahead will be one of progress, which hopefully means that picking up your newspaper and browsing through your morning websites will yield more hopeful news stories. If anything, it's a year to bask in your personal empowerment no matter what sun sign you were born under.
As the full moon takes its residency in the night sky it might not be a terrible idea to cozy up to your journal or "notes" app on your phone. Full moons tend to be the best time to sort out what you can let go of as you move forward. With the energy of a new year combined with these moonbeams, you could harness the power to manifest an abundant year ahead! What doesn't serve you anymore is so last year.
While you cozy up to your journal, you might also want to cozy up to your mom. Or you siblings. Or old home videos that were finally converted to digital files. The full moon will be shifting into Cancer, and that will have you feeling close to home. According to about this astrological alignment, "This sentimental Cancer Full Moon falling on New Year's Day gives you one more chance to reminisce and reconnect with family and friends as you wander down Memory Lane. Taking a dreamy detour into your imagination is delightful, but keep your map handy as you will be expected to focus on your future destination as soon as tomorrow." Take a long look at your 2017 Best Nine Instagrams because the full moon is all about propelling you into an exciting, developing future of new opportunities and even better Instagrams.
With the Moon in Cancer opposing Venus, this could also be a fairly ~emotional~ time. Relationships you have romantically, through business, with yourself and/or pizza can be highlighted. Astrology King describes this opposition as a time where "different expectations or needs between two people may cause problems. This will expose any simmering relationships tensions which can then be worked through." Even if your emotions are bubbling and the moon shines a spotlight on issues with your relationships, there's also a light reserved for illuminating resolutions relating to these issues. Be gentle with yourself and the partnerships that influence you the most. This opposition is all about ushering you into a new year stronger and more empowered than the previous year.
While the Full Moon might be occupying Cancer, the Sun is in Capricorn. And as explains, "The Capricorn Sun's ambitious attitude is reinforced by the solidarity of Venus, Saturn, and Pluto now, instructing you to worry less about your feelings and more about your achievements." While you might be feeling ~all the feels~ thanks to the Full Moon in sensitive Cancer, you'll also be amped to get a start on the year ahead. And with the best intentions, thanks again to the Full Moon's station in gentle Cancer.
If the stars alignment as reported by astrologers is any inclination, it looks like we'll be starting 2018 on a genuine, empowering and exciting note. It's time to write all your intentions and desires for the new year and then harness all that ~magickal~ energy to manifest positive changes and progress!