Hope you're in the mood for a fresh start, star babies, because we're officially entering a phase that's chock-full of new beginnings. It's the start of a new year, of course, and we're basking in all the "new year, new me" sparkle that comes along with it. But there are some relevant and powerful happenings taking place on the astrology front, too: January 2019's new moon marks the first lunar event of the new year — and it also happens to mark the beginning of a brand new eclipse phase. We'll experience a partial solar eclipse on Jan. 5 (which is the same date as the new moon) and we can expect to feel the cosmic effects of these astrological events all at once. Both the new moon and the partial solar eclipse are taking place in the down-to-business sign of Capricorn, and its energy is ringing in 2019 with a serious motivational drop-kick that will help us reach our goals. Astrology predictions for the January 2019 partial solar eclipse show us that now is the perfect time for fresh starts in 2019, so get ready to make sh*t happen.
Everyone fantasizes about a new beginning of sorts when a new year rolls around, and the astrology of this new moon and partial solar eclipse happen to support that energy completely. New moons mark the beginning of a new lunar cycle, so these monthly events almost always denote a fresh mark. But this eclipse also marks the beginning of a brand new eclipse phase, the energy of which will carry on through the solar eclipse on July 2, 2019. That means the influence of this partial solar eclipse will be felt over the coming six months, so we should be intentional with the seeds we plant and the goals we focus on. "The Eclipse in Capricorn will bring some much-needed grounding energy that will help us to implement the structure and focus we’ll need in order to execute our goals for 2019," explains intuitive astrologer Kesaine Walker exclusively with Bustle. It's really a perfect astrological start to the new year — especially if we're willing to put in the work and be thoughtful about our goals.
With the eclipse taking place in the hardworking and practical sign of Capricorn, you can bet we're going to see a focus on some majorly work-related themes. "In the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn, public life, career, reputation, achievement, and accountability are a strong focus," explained Cafe Astrology on its site.
Bustle spoke with astrologer Renee Watt, who expands on this placement: "This solar eclipse in Capricorn has us craving status within our career paths," shares Watt. "With a conjunction to responsible Saturn, it’s a great time to move forward with any business ventures you may be pursuing." Cap is majorly determined when it comes to self-improvement and meeting goals, so use this eclipse's momentum to your advantage when it comes to your 2019 career ambitions and get ready to fight for what you want.
"This is a time for setting practical, attainable goals; working on developing maturity and common sense in the personality; considering the future, and preparing for it; focusing on concrete ways of developing self-discipline and self-mastery; ... and nurturing our dreams in a realistic fashion," wrote Cafe Astrology of the eclipse. This all feels very Capricorn. Cap's practical, sensible attitude can be a little bit "all work no play" at times, but make no mistake, it comes to win. Not only should you prepare to conquer your career goals, but you should also focus self-improvement when it comes to discipline, maturity, and learning from the lessons you've been taught so that you can grow.
We're certainly getting down to business and serious AF during this transit, Capricorn-style — but we're also going to be feeling the dreamy, otherworldly effects of planet Neptune, which will be sextile to the solar eclipse.
Bustle also spoke with astrologer Lisa Stardust, who explains further: "While this particular eclipse is a solar eclipse, we may be forced to rely on intuition, rather than facts." says Stardust. "The truth may be clear as day, however, elusive Neptune is adding uncertainty and fog around what we accept and believe in relationships." So yes, while fact-oriented Capricorn is telling us to be rational at all times, it's going to behoove all zodiac signs to take a more holistic approach to issues arising during this transit and allow their intuitive side to have an equal say.
That all said, Neptune's placement also makes this new moon and eclipse an ideal time for creative pursuits, as well. "The eclipse ... conjuncts with Neptune who loves to jog our imagination," continues Watt. "Creative types will feel a boost in their artistic pursuits and should use this energy to move forward with any projects currently in the works." So don't be led astray by Capricorn's propensity toward business endeavors: With Neptune's influence, this energy should absolutely be applied to goals relating to music, writing, visual art, and even spiritual endeavors and divination, as well.
So while overall we're seeing a lot of positivity and support for our goals during this eclipse, this transit isn't without its struggles. I mean, Capricorn's ruling planet Saturn is all about tough love, after all. ""Eclipses bring matters to light," explains Stardust. "The eclipse will expose power struggles and triangular situations." Prepare to feel the confining effects of situations that are no longer serving you — and be willing to break down those limiting barriers.
Astrologer Steph Koyfman also spoke with Bustle about the effects of the upcoming partial eclipse. “With Saturn and Pluto bookending this eclipse on either side, we might feel like we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place," explains Koyfman. "But eclipses are all about breaking stagnant paradigms apart, and there may be some sudden shifts and revelations that will require us to come to terms with something we’ve been avoiding as a prerequisite to transforming our relationship to it."
The partial solar eclipse is going to be a time for growth, and its placement in Capricorn is asking us to do the work to make it happen.