Jane Will Fall In Love Again On 'Jane The Virgin'

Time to mend all those broken hearts, because Jane the Virgin is officially moving on from Jane's (Gina Rodriguez) first love Michael (Brett Dier). After two seasons of will-they-won't-they and a love triangle with Rafael (Justin Baldoni), The CW's telenovela finally paired the two star-crossed loves together: they got married, Jane lost her virginity to Michael, and the rest should have been history.
But executive producer Jennie Snyder Urman had one more curveball up her sleeve when it came to Jane and Michael's love story. In a shocking and heartbreaking move, Michael died from a sudden heart attack in the middle of this season, and the show then quickly flashed forward three years. Jane still wasn't over her late husband's death after the time jump, but she certainly had come a long way from her early days of grieving. And soon, she's going to open her heart up to more love.
When James Corden moderated a For Your Emmy Consideration event for Jane the Virgin in Los Angeles on Tuesday, he asked Snyder Urman if Jane was going to move on and fall in love again on the show (airing Mondays at 9 p.m. on The CW), to which she simply replies, "Yes."
She waited for the audience to finish gasping before continuing. "Part of the journey is she started as this optimistic, romantic dreamer and then she was hit by reality in a really big way," Snyder Urman says. "What I want to see in the back half of the series is how she regains some of that optimism, some of that love and starts to believe in romance again and how it's different from what she first thought it was. We're going to get into that and how does Jane believe in magic again."
Jane's first real foray into the dating pool post-Michael will actually be with her father Rogelio's (Jaime Camil) younger, hot co-star Fabian (Francisco San Martin) ... and that's not exactly something Rogelio is going to be thrilled about.
"There's a true love, a father-daughter love between Jane and Rogelio and nothing will take that away," Camil says. "But definitely that will create some tension between Rogelio and Rogelio's costar. That's going to be a very funny thing that will happen."
In fact, that tension is going to explode into an actual, real, physical fight between the two grown men.
"There's a fight during crew lunch," Snyder Urman reveals with a laugh. "A full fight at the telenovela between two men who don't want to mess their hair up. Because they have to go back to work after crew lunch."
As the audience erupts into laughter, Camil adds with a smile, "Lots of slapping."
Something that Snyder Urman is proud of is how the show is constantly evolving, just as Jane is. After she lost her virginity, the title card for each episode crossed out the word "Virgin" in lieu of something more appropriate for that hour.
"She was defined by her virginity for so long but obviously she's so much more," Snyder Urman says. "We expand the definition of what Jane is. You'll see 'Jane the Horndog' pretty soon."
Sure sounds like Jane's really going to enjoy dipping her toes back into the dating pool, huh? I for one can't wait to see this arc play out on screen.