Jane hasn't been a virgin for years now, but her abuela's flower lesson has stayed with her. So it is a major deal that Jane and Fabian have casual sex on Jane the Virgin. Before "Chapter 62," Jane had only ever had sex with Michael and while she knows a fling is what she wants, Jane worries that she may feel guilty about it. Yet, with a little help from Jane the Virgin's resident Samantha — her mom, Xo — Jane explores her sexuality by having a casual sexual encounter and making all of her Sex and the City dreams come true. How far Jane has come in just one season!
As the narrator says, Jane and Fabian aren't on the same page during the May 8 episode. While Jane strictly wants a fling with Fabian, he views her as dating material. She later calls him out for buying into the reductive Madonna-whore paradigm. I'll spare you the Google search like Fabian does and say that it's the view that women are either chaste and innocent or sexually active and promiscuous. But after Fabian apologizes, Jane realizes that she was also unfairly categorizing Fabian as a sexual object. Once Fabian knows that Jane doesn't want a serious relationship — and reveals his no-sex pledge has only lasted 33 days (a month and a half in Fabian time) — then they can finally get their fling on.
But Jane needs one more pep talk before embarking on this major moment in her sexuality. While she says she doesn't regret her decision to wait until marriage to have sex earlier in the episode, she also says Alba's crumpled flower imagery is something that has made her have complex — and sometimes negative — feelings toward sex. She worries to her mom that she may feel guilty even though she really does want sex with no strings. Xo comes to the rescue and tells Jane there's nothing to feel guilty about and gives her daughter the confidence in her decision that she needs to have sex with that "obscenely hot telenovela star." Xo for Mom of the Year.
While "Chapter 62" isn't necessarily great for Jane and Fabian 'shippers (do you people exist?), it is wonderful for all members of #TeamJane. After the death of Michael, she is finally able to date again and is exploring her sexuality in a healthy and adult way. (As Xo says, Fabian and Jane are "two consenting adults who are on the same page.") Although Jane lost her virginity only earlier this season, her life is so very different from where it was at the beginning of Season 3 and she's learning to navigate her new status as a 28-year-old widow who is dating in a truly admirable way. Now, if only fans could read Jane's steamy Sex and the City-inspired Cosmopolitan guest column about her time with Fabian. Someone get on that fan fiction!