J. Crew Wants You To Get Your Stripe On

It seems like creating a holiday is a go-to marketing technique these days, but that doesn't make celebrating a made-up holiday any less fun. At least that's the case with National Stripes Day, which J. Crew created this year to celebrate everyone's favorite pattern. I tend to think people fall into two categories: People who are pretty much indifferent to striped things, and people who are head over heels obsessed with stripes. I fall into the latter camp, so finding out there was going to be a whole day dedicated to wearing and celebrating my favorite pattern made me super happy.
J. Crew is celebrating National Stripes Day on March 31, 2017 for the first time, and it fully admits that it made the holiday up. But nothing says "spring" like some stripes, and I for one could really use a dose of spring when New York is gray and rainy. J. Crew is even celebrating the day by releasing two new striped shirts to mark the occasion — super cute boatneck shirts with fun messages. Beyond the limited edition release, the J. Crew collection of stripes right now is pretty amazing. From swimsuits to accessories, I found about eight new pieces I want to add to my stripes collection.
J. Crew has been hyping the holiday on Instagram and has (naturally) created a hashtag to go along with it.
How cute is this boatneck shirt J. Crew created to go along with the holiday?
Love this cheeky design. Wink wink.
Both of the tops will be available online starting Friday. The Hello Sailor top will be available in stores, too. The best part? There will be a gift with purchase of some cute patches with any stripes purchase!
I mean, doesn't this just get you excited for summer? Loving these swimsuits.
How great are these mixed stripes? Loving the combo of horizontal and vertical. You can shop J. Crew's stripe collection here, and if you're like me, you'll be celebrating National Stripes Day on Friday wearing your favorite piece from your collection.