
The Internet Is Mercilessly Mocking Trump For His "IT WAS ME" Cry For Attention

by Lauren Holter
Alex Wong/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Ever since three UCLA basketball players returned to the U.S. last week after being arrested for allegedly shoplifting in China, President Trump has been in an ongoing feud with one of their dads. LaVar Ball, the father of UCLA freshman LiAngelo Ball, has refused to give Trump credit for his son escaping jail time abroad — and Trump is not happy about it. On Wednesday morning, Trump tweeted, "IT WAS ME," demanding credit from Ball and specifically stating that no one else was responsible for the Chinese government allowing the three men to return home.

"It wasn’t the White House, it wasn’t the State Department, it wasn’t father LaVar’s so-called people on the ground in China that got his son out of a long term prison sentence — IT WAS ME," Trump tweeted, adding, "Too bad! LaVar is just a poor man’s version of Don King, but without the hair."

He didn't stop there, either. In a second tweet, the president called LaVar an "ungrateful fool," saying: "LaVar, you could have spent the next 5 to 10 years during Thanksgiving with your son in China, but no NBA contract to support you."

As is bound to happen with Trump's outrageous tweets, people had fun making their own "IT WAS ME" jokes.

On Thanksgiving

For anyone desperate to get credit for the delicious food they prepare tomorrow, it might help to utilize Trump's tactic.

On Buddy The Elf

Buddy the elf found it helpful in confessing his mischievous Christmas behavior.

On Cats

If cats could talk, they would certainly yell "IT WAS ME" at humans all the time.

On Tears Streaming Down His Face

The president's rant was criticized as childish, so some depicted him as a toddler throwing a tantrum.

On Tantrums

The tantrum comparison carried over into GIFs, as well.

On Giving Him Too Much Credit

Those who already viewed Trump as a child felt these hostile tweets made that assessment seem generous.

On Revealing That IT WAS ME All Along

If you were wondering who it was, Trump wants to make it clear that it was him all along.

On Drawing Who It Was

If anyone was still confused about who was responsible, a self portrait might prove useful.

On Trump In The Elevator

Of course, there are times you don't want to broadcast that you deserve all the credit.

On Trump's Legacy

On a more serious note, some also pointed out how Trump's Twitter outbursts will go down in history.

Trump's desire to get credit for returning the UCLA players home safely started as soon as they got home. Before they spoke to the public in a press conference, he tweeted: "Do you think the three UCLA Basketball Players will say thank you President Trump? They were headed for 10 years in jail!"

Then, after they said they appreciated the president's assistance, he kept at it. "To the three UCLA basketball players I say: You're welcome, go out and give a big Thank You to President Xi Jinping of China who made your release possible and, HAVE A GREAT LIFE!" Twitter also had a field day with this quip, noting that when someone tells you to have a great life, the sentiment usually isn't genuine.

In an interview with ESPN a few days later, Ball questioned how much of a role President Trump played in his son's release, which only provoked him. "Did he help the boys get out? I don't know. ... If I was going to thank somebody I'd probably thank President Xi [Jinping]." He proceeded to point out that Trump was already in Asia, and didn't travel there specifically to help get his son released.

But, regardless of what Ball thinks, the president wants to remind the nation: "IT WAS ME."