
Issa & Lawrence Got Coffee On 'Insecure' & Things Have REALLY Changed Between Them

by Leah Marilla Thomas
Merie W. Wallace/HBO

Lawrence has been on an Insecure journey ever since reappearing on the HBO series. The Lawrence Hive definitely has a justified, renewed sense of hope for this 'ship being endgame, especially with the Season 3 finale coming up next Sunday. But for now, it's also just great that Issa and Lawrence weren't awkward on Insecure. They finally got a chance to catch up, and it went fine.

It probably didn't hurt that Issa got all of her insecure out over Nathan during the episode. Honestly, it's a good thing that most of us don't have access to the homes of the men (and women) who ghost us via roommates or what have you. Trying to use cute selfies to bait the person ignoring you and going on an Instagram deep dive is bad enough, but mostly harmless — actually going through someone's trash and trying to hack their computer is on another level entirely.

Just because the episode accurately portrayed the psychology of being ghosted and the lengths we go to both mentally and physically to make sense of it doesn't mean it wasn't cringeworthy. The way Issa goes deep finding new ways to blame herself for what Nathan is doing to her is so upsetting. Thank goodness Lawrence was there (did you ever think you'd think that again) to help quell Issa's obsessive distraction.

At the end of the episode, Issa attended a financial workshop that Lawrence recommended to her, and when the workshop was over the two of them met and decided to get coffee. Did Issa remember her ex's complicated coffee order? Yes. Did they talk about their old neighborhood? Yes. Was it a date? Definitely not, but it wasn't bad either.

Merie W. Wallace/HBO

At Tiffany's shower, Issa felt that she might finally be over Lawrence. Sometimes (most of the time) you have to have that realization and tell yourself that more than once for it to really stick. It's definitely possible that they could rekindle their relationship at the end of the season. Both Issa and Lawrence have changed since their breakup, and changed in ways that would have benefitted their relationship while they were together.

They also talked about those changes. If nothing else, this was a great conversation between two people who have known each other for a long time and love each other — whether or not that love turns back into a romantic relationship further down the line.

"If he gets scared off because you were too real," Molly tells Issa about Nathan after she almost falls off the stalker deep end, "why d'you want him, girl?" She's able to let Lawrence in and be real and vulnerable with him. That's significant.

That said, what about Nathan? Where is he? Also, what about that girl that Lawrence met at church? The latter, at least, may be a lost cause. That church was clearly not for Lawrence, and like Issa said it's important to shop around and find something that works for you. Maybe that was a not-so-subtle metaphor for relationships, but everybody does it.

Back to Issa — what about Daniel? Issa was real with him as well, earlier in the season, and they parted on good terms. Are all three of these men going to collide at the block party? Who knows where Insecure Season 3 is going at this point, and honestly? That makes it all the more exciting.