Isle Of Paradise's New 'Get Body Posi' Guide Is Backed By This 'Love Island' Legend

Summer can be a pretty stressful time. With the absurd pressure to be "beach body ready" and the never-ending stream of intimidating bikini ads plastered across buses and buildings, it can induce intense feelings of insecurity that not even a high dose of vitamin D can help. But now Isle of Paradise, an inclusive beauty company specialising in tanning products, are looking to break the mould. With their "Get Body Posi" guide, Isle of Paradise hope to instil every person with the body confidence they deserve for summer 2019.
If Isle of Paradise aren't on your radar yet, let me tell you a little bit about the brand. They launched in April 2018 and immediately brought us body confidence realness by being one of the first tanning companies to use un-retouched photos in their campaigns. The brand is built on the premise that one size does not fit all. For a long time now, brands have been talking about body positivity like its a buzz word, but very few have been incorporating it into their company ethos. But Isle of Paradise is passionate about helping us to love the skin we're in, regardless of size, shape, or colour.
“The Isle of Paradise mission is not only to tackle the body confidence issue head on but to provide consumers with a solution that will encourage them to take the all important first step to achieving body acceptance,” the brand's founder, Jules Von Hep, said in a statement sent to Bustle. “The brand commitment is to create a product for real body types, where everyBODY is represented and the only way to commit to that is to guarantee no editing or retouching. It’s essential for the category and the industry to become more representative.”
The new "Get Body Posi" guide exudes the company's initiatives of self love to help us on our journeys to body confidence. This guide is a free seven-day programme is available on their website, all you have to do is pop in your email address.
Speaking about the inspiration behind the guide, Von Hep said: "I want you to stand in front of the mirror and love the body you’ve been given — it’s time to feel empowered. I want you to feel your greatest, to smile wide at your reflection and own your glow.” The founder also touched upon his own experiences with body positivity:
“I believe in the life changing power that body acceptance can give YOU and have learnt this through my own experiences — finding every source of light in your darkest moments and gravitating towards this energy. I have used some of the most life-altering experiences to inspire what Isle of Paradise means today, putting "Get Body Posi" at the heart. Every day I remind myself that all I have to do is ‘feed my happy.’”
So, what does this guide actually have inside it? Well, according to Isle of Paradise, the guide blends "personal experience with psychology and science in fun and engaging exercises anyone can follow." These exercises will help you "turn social media into a force for good instead of a platform for comparison;" "embrace and fall in love with the real you rather than some filtered version of who you think you should be;" and "let go of soul-destroying, energy-sapping anxieties and embrace everything that’s amazing about your life."
They have also recruited a number of famous faces, including model Tess Holliday, model and Love Island star Megan Barton Hanson, and beauty influencer Tess Daly to spread their message. When asked what's the one difference she thinks this campaign could mae, Barton Hanson said: "That we learn to accept that our flaws can actually be our biggest attraction." Here here.