The Bachelorette giveth and The Bachelorette taketh away. After airing two episodes back to back on June 26 and 27, The Bachelorette will not be new on July 3. ABC hasn't given an official reason for why The Bachelorette won't have a new episode tonight, but it most likely has to do with the Fourth of July being the next day and the holiday weekend in general. Instead, the network will be airing a rerun of Episode 6. But Bachelorette fans aren't ones to waste an opportunity, so plan to make the most of this night of repeat television with my handy guide below.
July 3 isn't the first time that Rachel's quest for love has been postponed. The fourth episode was delayed because of the NBA finals on June 12. And although The Bachelorette traditionally airs a new episode on Memorial Day — with Rachel, JoJo, and Kaitlyn all having episodes air — the time around the Fourth of July is usually pretty sacred territory as JoJo's season took a break on the holiday last year. Yet, with none of the basic cable channels showing anything Fourth of July-related that day, it feels like people who don't have holiday plans the night of July 3 are getting the short end of the stick.
But don't get too down because if you plan on watching The Bachelorette on Monday, July 3 no matter what, then you can use this time to analyze the hell out of Episode 6. It's a perfect occasion to try to find extra clues about who Rachel will pick at the end of The Bachelorette. And to make it even easier, here's a guide to help you get the most bang for your buck out of this rerun.
Skip The First 20 Minutes
With the first part of the sixth episode focusing on Kenny after Rachel finally sends Lee home, you can do something else with these 20 minutes — like plan your fireworks viewing for the next day — since you know Kenny will be gone well before the episode is over.
Focus On The Order That Rachel Hands Out The Roses
Since there are two rose ceremonies in Episode 6, you have double the chances to pay attention to who Rachel gives roses to first.
Attempt To Uncover The Mysteries That Are Adam & Matt
Speaking of two rose ceremonies, the fact that Adam (the guy with the doll) and Matt (uh, the guy with the beard?? Yeah, I got nothing) survived not one, but two ceremonies, has been completely confounding viewers. As of right now, it seems like Rachel's hometown dates are obvious (Bryan, Dean, Eric, and Peter), but maybe viewers have been missing something. Take advantage of the rerun to really pay attention to the screentime these two dudes get — though I doubt it's going to provide any additional clarity on Rachel's decision-making.
Relive Eric's One-On-One Date
Eric and Rachel had a pretty magical date in Copenhagen, so watch with purpose this time to see if Eric could be the one that Rachel ends up with.
Watch For Rachel's Interactions With Bryan & Peter On The Group Date
Since the second one-on-one date ends with Will being sent home, you're better off spending your time analyzing the brief moments of Rachel hanging with Bryan and then Peter, who she gave the group date rose to, during the Viking-themed date. She definitely has it bad for these two guys.
Take A Break During Will's Date
Speaking of Will's date, don't feel obligated to rewatch since it's a dud and the chemistry is just not there. Instead, grab another drink or more snacks. Or, pull a Rachel and unwind with some light vacuuming.
Wonder If Rachel Thinks She Made A Mistake With Alex
Rachel's most emotional response to sending someone home came at the end of the episode with Alex. She says she's worried she'll regret sending someone home, so did she make a mistake with Alex? Well, according to her blog on PEOPLE, she seems pretty OK with her decision to send Alex home, but you can still have fun wondering and enjoying his final Viking-filled moments on the show.
Get Mad At Peter
If you've been a fan of Peter's, you may have been taken aback by him saying, "After last night, she will have a tough time believing in love ever again" during the preview for the next episode. Not only was I like, "What did you do, Peter?!" I was also annoyed at how self-important it sounded. Either way, the preview makes it seem like Peter does something bad — but don't let The Bachelorette throw you off too much as the previews can sometimes use creative editing.
But still, there's plenty to unpack in those final few minutes of Episode 6 of The Bachelorette, so if you're rewatching on July 3, make sure you don't turn it off a moment too soon so you can see the previews for the rest of the season again as you try to figure out who Rachel will choose in the end. And that may be all the fireworks that some Bachelorette fans need.