Bryan Is A Clear 'Bachelorette' Frontrunner

It feels like Rachel Lindsay's season of The Bachelorette has had to contend with a lot of drama and oddball situations. Between Whaboom just being a thing and DeMario Jackson being booted off, it hasn't been easy to just focus on the potential future husbands that Rachel has to choose from in her contestant pool. One of the guys that seems to be capturing her attention and oozing chemistry is Bryan, and it looks like he could take his charm and good senses all the way to the finale. There definitely are major signs that Bryan will win The Bachelorette.
It is always difficult to say for sure that someone is truly in the running because the bachelorettes/bachelors are actually real people who have personal preferences that may differ from our own. Curve balls can certainly come at any time during these individuals' quest for love but there are always certain, sometimes subtle signs that point to someone pulling ahead of the pack and making a clean break for the finale. Bryan is a perfect example of the low key, clutch player that laid the ground work early and will ultimately win Rachel's heart in the end.
The First Impression Rose
I mean, take one look at lovebirds JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers to see where that coveted rose can take a contestant. Bryan snagged that honor from Rachel, and it tells me that she has kept a special eye on him.
He Is Established
Bryan is a catch. His career as a chiropractor is not only impressive, it also means that he is stable, driven, and committed — perfect for our girl.
He Is Ready For A Family
During the Women Tell All special, Rachel told Chris Harrison that she was ready for a family and was looking for a significant other to be in the same state of mind. In his ABC profile, Bryan claims to also be ready for kids. 2-3 kids, to be exact.
That Kiss
A kiss that passionate has some staying power.
Of course, I can't be sure but I am putting my money on Bryan to win Rachel's heart and hand in marriage in the end. There is a chemistry there that can't be denied, and when Rachel said she was engaged, she also said her guy checks off every box on her list. That says Bryan to me.