There's Still Hope That 'New Girl' Will Return For Season 7

Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you end a season. If you're still swooning over the New Girl season 6 finale, then you're probably worried about the same thing I am. Namely, is New Girl over, or will it be returning for Season 7? The final episode of Season 6 definitely felt like an ending of sorts, wrapping up storylines in a manner that was fairly satisfying for fans. There was no cliffhanger, and there were no real loose threads left dangling for audiences to think about when the credits started rolling. So, as devastating as it may be, it's perfectly plausible that this could be the end of New Girl. But, thankfully, there's also still hope that this might not be the case.
Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, series creator and showrunner Liz Merriweather discussed exactly whether the New Girl episode was a season, or a series, finale, and said:
It's up to the network now. We were told to prepare for both versions, so we decided to create a finale that we would be happy with either way — and just hope for a Season 7... We wanted to end the show in a way that made sense for the fans and us, but also leave the door open for another season. If I had known this was definitely the end, I don't know that everything would be exactly the same in the episode.
Which is incredibly interesting, and also revealing. First, the New Girl writers should definitely be applauded for their approach to what Merriweather described as being a "tricky" episode. Not only did the Season 6 finale deliver exactly what all fans wanted to see (Nick and Jess professing their love to each other while Lorde's "Green Light" is playing? Perfection), but the episode managed to do so in such a way that it gave us closure while still teasing the potential for more.
And if you desperately need some further hope that New Girl will return for Season 7, then you've got it right here. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, show executive producers, Dave Finkel and Brett Baer also shared their thoughts on the future of New Girl. Baer stated that, "The general scuttlebutt is good and positive that we will be coming back," and Finkel suggested that they'd be happy to return, "even for a short order," so a seventh season of some sort still sounds like it could happen.
I sincerely hope that's the case, but there's no question that New Girl is going to feel like a very different show. It felt different when Cece and Schmidt moved out, sure, but now that Winston and Aly are moving forward in their future together too, it makes sense that they could be leaving the Loft soon as well. Which leaves Jess and Nick, and their potential happy ending. And that's something that definitely shouldn't be deprived from fans.
So that's it, guys. I'm crossing my fingers that New Girl is given the seventh season it deserves as a show, and that we deserve to see as fans. After all, I think we all need a series finale that we can prepare ourselves for.