Fans Think Captain Marvel Was In The 'Avengers: Infinity War' Trailer

Some hawk-eyed Marvel fans think they might have caught a glimpse of Brie Larson in the latest trailer for Avengers: Infinity War, out May 4. Marvel Studios rolled out the much-anticipated teaser video during the Super Bowl Sunday night, and a handful of acutely observant fans are convinced they spotted Larson's Captain Marvel amid the film's stacked cast of superheroes. Naturally, the buzz has already spawned a bout of speculation on social media as to whether Brie Larson will appear in Avengers: Infinity War.
Larson's purported maybe-cameo (which hardly lasts a millisecond, if it's even her) comes around the trailer's 11-second mark, just as the film's motley crew of superheroes are beginning to roll out onscreen. For those who'd prefer to sift through the nitty-gritty's of this particular conspiracy theory themselves, the details are as follows: roughly 11 seconds into the some half-minute long trailer, a clip Captain America (Chris Evans), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), and Vision (Paul Bettany) flashes across the screen. A few paces behind Evans and Johansson stands a cloaked, masked figure, donning a pair of red, elbow-length gloves and some kind of gold-plated insignia across its chest.
Taking note of some of the potential aesthetic similarities between the unidentified character and Larson's Captain Marvel, frenzied enthusiasts took to Twitter to share in the dogged speculation and celebrate — though, perhaps a little too preemptively — a possible surprise addition to this year's Avengers crew.
One Twitter user's response to the Larson-centric speculating seems to pretty adequately sum up what a solid chunk of the internet is probably feeling right now: "If Captain Marvel shows up in Infinity War, at any capacity, I will lose my mind," the user wrote. Sounds about right.
The social media-fueled firestorm only picked up in the early hours of Monday morning, Feb. 5 (presumably, once the buzz about a potential Captain Marvel appearance in Infinity War had circulated a bit). And, while no one knows for sure if the red-hooded figure is actually Captain Marvel, fans seem to be hopping on the conspiracy bandwagon left and right.
And, while many eager fans were quick to echo that claim (with some derivative of "I think I saw Captain Marvel"), one Twitter user really went the extra mile in their speculations. In a Monday morning tweet that has since made the viral rounds of social media, the user posted a sort of "compare and contrast" photo set, which featured a screenshot from the Infinity War trailer's 11-second mark beside a photo of Larson's Captain Marvel. Noting the potential resemblance, the user wrote, "If you look behind [Captain America] in the trailer you can see someone walking behind him and the suit looks exactly like Captain Marvel."
It seems safe to say that Twitter user must have been pretty sold on their own theory, at least. Five minutes later, the same user posted a quick follow-up tweet, which was markedly more enthusiastic (and, on the flip side, probably markedly less logical).
And, while no one can really, definitively say "that's not her" until Marvel does, one Twitter user expressed their looming doubts about the legitimacy of this particular string of guesswork. "THAT LOOKS LIKE CAPTAIN MARVEL BUT I STILL HEAVILY DOUBT ITS HER," the fan tweeted, in all caps.
Unfortunately, that Twitter user might actually have the right idea. According to a new report by the superhero-centric site, Comicbook.com, the cloaked figure is not Larson's Captain Marvel, but rather Elizabeth Olsen's Scarlet Witch. As the report pointed out, the unidentified character's floor-length trench coat bears striking resemblance to the one worn by Olsen in the handful of Avengers: Infinity War screenshots that were leaked last November. Olsen can also be seen wearing the trench coat in the film's official trailer.
Plus, Infinity War co-director Joe Russo said point-blank last July (during a panel at San Diego Comic Con) that Larson's Captain Marvel won't be appearing in 2018's Avengers installment. Marvel Studios unveiled Larson's newly-minted character several weeks ago, and it seems the internet has been waxed obsessed ever since. Captain Marvel's onscreen debut is currently slated for March 2019, when her solo flick, Captain Marvel, hits theaters. After that, Larson is expected to appear in Avengers 4, which will roll out two months later, in May 2019.
Still, some Marvel super-fans are holding out hope that maybe their conspiratorial musings might not be completely out of reach. Even if it takes Marvel Studios an extra year to get there.
And, even if their investigative work proves faulty this time around, these die-hard Marvel fans have made one thing abundantly clear: they have really, really good eyesight.