Remember that time that Milo Ventimiglia warned you that you weren't going to be able to make it through This Is Us? Well, he wasn't exaggerating. That's why you're wondering where to listen to Paper Boi's song from This Is Us so you can stare into your own eyes in the mirror and ugly cry. Luckily, you can find the song on Spotify, and I'm going to tell you how. First of all, before you get too confused, I'm using the character name for one show and the title from another. Let me clarify: this actor's name is Brian Tyree Henry, and he plays both Paper Boi on Atlanta, which is where most people likely recognize him from, and William Hill's cousin Ricky on This Is Us. When you have a voice like that, you know the show is going to find a way to use it.
That's how Henry came to devastate the general population with his performance of "We Can Always Come Back To This" on Feb. 21's episode, titled "Memphis." Truly, I can't get into the how or the why of it, because I've only just recovered from the episode, and I didn't take Wednesday off from work even though Ventimiglia told me to. All you can really count on me for is letting you know how to listen. But I'll be very good at that.
Take your little butt to Spotify and search "Brian Tyree" and keep typing as many words of the song title you need before it pops up. It's a little tricky to find: if you search for the actor's full name by itself, you'll be taken to his Artist Page and other songs he's recorded, but "We Can Always Come Back To This" won't be among them. What you want is the page for the single itself, which is titled "We Can Always Come Back To This (Music From The Series This Is Us)." That's where you'll find what you seek, as well as a version by Hannah Miller.
Or, you know, you could just click the link above, and weep your little heart out with no typing involved at all. I'm giving you a lot of power over your emotions today, so make good choices.