Hello, red alert, this is the moment we've all been practicing for. Not only is the queen who walks among us pregnant, but there's a possibility that things get even better, so let's talk about it: Is Beyoncé having twins? It sure does look that way. I know it seems too wonderful to even imagine, but the singer's pregnancy announcement held some clues that just can't be ignored. Because yes, before we get too far down this road, Beyoncé is definitely pregnant. This is something that has been speculated about approximately every second of every day since the dawn of time, but this time it comes not from the rumor mill, but from the Queen Bey herself, in the form of a photo and caption she posted to Instagram on Wednesday afternoon.
And in typical queenly fashion, Bey given her fans more than we ever dared to dream of: Not only did the announcement include a photo of a be-veiled, scantily-clad Beyoncé, surrounded by flowers and exposing her swelling baby bump, but it had a caption containing references to the Carter-Knowles Family "growing by two." Eep! The idea of one sibling for Beyoncé and Jay Z's 5-year-old daughter Blue Ivy was a lot for me to take in, but two has me swooning.
And even though there's no official confirmation just yet, or a statement from the family's representatives, it's hard to find another interpretation for Beyoncé's caption:
We would like to share our love and happiness. We have been blessed two times over. We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, and we thank you for your well wishes. - The Carters
She doesn't explicitly say the word "twins," but the repetition of the word "two" couldn't mean much else. At first I wondered whether "we have been blessed two times over" was a reference to Blue Ivy, and the fact that they'll now have two children, but then I kept reading and got to "our family will be growing by two," and I can't think what else that could mean.
It seems pretty clear to me that Beyoncé is pregnant with twins, so please lie down now and conserve your strength, because you're going to need every ounce of it for the first reveal of these baby pictures. I'm already hyperventilating.