Azealia Banks Would Perform At The Inauguration

Since November's presidential election, so many celebrities have been outspoken about their feelings on the outcome — mainly their disappointment that Donald Trump will become president come Jan. 20. But there are some people in the entertainment industry who are glad that Trump was elected, and a certain rapper might be among them. So is Azealia Banks a Trump supporter or not? She's talked about Trump a lot in the past, and now, Banks is saying she wishes she could perform at his inauguration.
On Wednesday, Banks announced on Facebook that she thinks the inauguration is an "epic event in modern history" and that she was disappointed she wouldn't be a part of the entertainment lineup, which includes Toby Keith and 3 Doors Down.
Saw the entertainment line for the inauguration it made me very upset. This is an EPIC moment in modern history and it should def be celebrated in style. I would love to perform at the inauguration.
Seems like she's definitely happy that Trump will officially become our next president on Friday, right? Not necessarily, because if you've been following Banks' political opinions over the past year, she's shared a few that are conflicting. Over the course of just a few months, she's rooted Trump on, changed her mind about supporting him, and then changed it back, so it's hard to figure out exactly where she stands where this election is concerned at any given moment since her opinion changes so often. But for now? It sounds like she's on his side.
Back in February 2016, long before the election, Banks shared her endorsement for Trump in a series of tweets that have since been deleted:
Ok so, I think I'm ready to admit that I'm going to vote for Donald Trump ... I think Trump is the only one who truly has the balls to bust up big business. Hilary is too tied in with them and Bernie has no clout ... In conclusion, I think Donald trump is evil like America is evil and in order for America to keep up with itself it needs him ... And to sum up my rant: I am saying that politicians are inherently evil, I trust the one who is most transparent.
But then, in October, Banks took to Facebook to announce that she'd changed her mind in a now-deleted post. According to Vibe, she wrote:
I made a major mistake endorsing toupey-toupee. Women’s rights are important and we must protect them. I feel so dumb for ever having added my two cents to this election mess. I tried being a vigilant citizen, seeing as being up on it seemed to be the responsible thing to do… but instead I alienated loads of my fans and followers. I deeply regret mixing music and politics as I am now finding it nearly impossible to keep up with the election and the media frenzy.
That stance didn't last long, though, because by the time Election Day rolled around in November, Banks congratulated Trump in an Instagram post that she has also deleted. She blamed her swaying opinion on "liberal media," and went on to explain why she was so proud of Trump for winning the election. That time, she said, according to Vulture:
I must say that I am TRULY inspired by this and feel deep amounts of vindication. Thanks for letting me know that I'm not crazy (even though I fronted a few times) liberals run hollywood and it's been a COLD WORLD OUT HERE FOR ME AS A TRUMP SUPPORTER. Best of luck on everything and thanks again.
That should answer, it, right? Banks is a Trump supporter — as long as she doesn't change her mind again in the near future. It'll be interesting to see if her opinion changes after Trump has officially been in office for awhile. Will she eat her words or feel vindicated once again?