Arie Might Be Engaged RIGHT NOW, ‘Bachelor’ Fans

After about a billion seasons of The Bachelor, no one could have guessed that the next bearer of roses would be none other than, Arie Luyendyk Jr. As the star of Season 22 of The Bachelor, starting Jan. 1, this experience has truly been a long time coming for the race car driver of everyone's dreams. After all, Arie made his debut in the franchise way back in Season 8. And if he is still willing to take this job after all that time, then he must really be looking for love. So, is Arie engaged after his time on The Bachelor?
First of all, there is good word from Us Weekly that Arie was supposed to be the Bachelor a while ago and even filmed his introduction video before being tossed aside for Chris Soules. Sean Lowe, who competed next to Arie in Season 8 of The Bachelorette, told the publication, “I think they actually told him he was going to be Bachelor the year they told Chris Soules. They even filmed some of [Arie’s] intro package in Arizona and ultimately pulled the rug out from underneath him in the end.” So, essentially, Arie has been waiting for this opportunity, which seems to suggest that he is taking it pretty seriously.
Now, this is total speculation and not based on any real spoilers, so those in the Bachelor Nation Fantasy league can chill for a second: Guys, it kind of seems like Arie found a potential wife on The Bachelor. As recently as December, Arie told Us Weekly that he didn't just fall in love on The Bachelor, he really fell in love on The Bachelor. In a move ripped right from the Ben Higgins' playbook, Arie told the magazine that he fell in love with two people during his time at the mansion. About the experience, he said, "The toughest part about being the Bachelor would probably be the end, making tough decisions toward the end. I mean, that’s the hardest decision of your life, really. It’s a forever decision, so it’s not taken lightly. I think that was probably the hardest thing.”
So, he made a decision though, right? That seems to be what that quote is saying. Arie made a decision, albeit a tough one, but he made a decision in the end.
Unfortunately, if you dig into Arie's social media for clues, you won't find many. For one, he doesn't update his Twitter or Instagram pages that often and when he does, he is very vague and not even slightly teasing what could have been the outcome of his season. The trailer for his season that he posted to his Twitter though, seems to have some fans wondering if he ends up alone in that desert he is walking through. Not to mention, he begins by saying that if he could go back, he would do some things differently. That seems ominous, right? Well, towards the end, he basically confirms that he proposed to someone, or at least had the intentions of proposing to someone, when he says, "I really see it with her. And I just hope, that she can see it with me too. I'm nervous, I'm scared...I'm going to tell this girl that I love her and hopefully get down on one knee and I just hope I don't regret it." Then Arie is seen holding that ring box. Case closed. He is totally engaged, barring some shocking twist.
In the end, it would be a super bummer if Arie doesn't find true love on his season of The Bachelor. Obviously it is better to walk away from the experience single if you truly are not connecting on an intense level with someone but after all he has been through to get here and the fact that he is so sincere and nerdy, so many people are rooting for this to be it for him.