With the real world becoming one continuous dumpster fire that never ends, we could all use a little augmented reality from time to time. Apple gets this, and has introduced iOS 11 augmented reality hacks for iPhone that are going to have you love living in an alternate universe. The iOS 11 update, set to be released Sept. 19, includes ARKit, which will bring augmented reality apps to millions of compatible iPhones and iPads, Next Reality reported.
The news was first announced earlier this year at the Worldwide Developers Conference in California. Basically, ARKit allows developers to leverage motion tracking, surface detection, and ambient light scaling capabilities using the camera, CPU, and GPU, with no additional hardware necessary, according to Next Reality.
During the conference, Apple's senior vice president of software engineering, Craig Federighi, demonstrated the augmented reality features on stage with a test app. "Using the camera, Federighi showed how an iPhone can detect a horizontal surface and place virtual objects on it," Next Reality reported. "The objects reacted to one another, with a virtual lamp projecting shadows behind the other objects. He noted that ARKit uses ambient light to estimate scale."
If you have an iPhone 6S or a newer model, you can be part of the augmented reality world. Check out the best AR iOS 11 options for iPhone. Because, reality bites.
1. AR Flyover Cities
One of the iOS 11 augmented reality experiences you can experience right away is Flyover Cities. "Apple has included a Flyover feature in Maps ever since iOS 6, and a City Tours feature since iOS 8," Justin Meyers reported for iOS Gadget Hacks. "But now, in iOS 11, you get the best of both worlds in virtual reality. With the help of ARKit, you can spin your iPhone around to navigate a city in VR, and it gets even more impressive if you have a VR headset." Learn how to unlock the Flyover feature in iOS 11.
2. AR Measurement Apps
This AR feature for iOS 11 lets you turn your iPhone in a measuring tape because who ever has a measuring tape when they really need one? "Just point your phone and click a point to measure almost anything. The app uses the power of augmented reality to measure the distance between points in 3D space," Air Measure explained on its website.
3. AR Gaming Apps That Are Addicting AF
One of the best things about the iOS 11 ARKit is the host of new AR apps that are sure to come. If you're a hardcore The Walking Dead fan, then you're going to want to check out ARZombie where you'll experience saving the day by slaying some walkers. "The game takes place in the player's home, with the app mapping the doors and windows of the domicile," Next Reality reported. "Players must keep these means of ingress blocked with virtual boards to keep the undead outside. When zombies find their way in, players then grab the closest virtual weapons to protect themselves."
4. AR 3D Drawing
The iOS 11 update lets you turn your iPhone into a 3D art project with AR 3D drawing capabilities that look pretty amazing.
5. AR Furniture Design
Augmented reality can serve a ton of practical purposes, like helping you design your space in real time to see and experience what each piece will actually look like. The iOS 11 ARKit update is totally going to make this happen.
6. Find Friends IRL With AR
Trying to use a find-a-friend app in a super crowded public place is pretty difficult. The iOS 11 update, which features ARKit, allows you to track a lost friend in real time using AR technology so it's super intuitive. This is great for music festivals, rallies, and other big-crowd events.
7. See The World Through An AR Portal
If you mind's not already totally blown, then you're going to want to watch this video about how ARKit for iOS 11 can create an AR portal that gives you the experience of going through a portal to another dimension. So, if you really don't want to live in the real world, you no longer have to. But, just remember to check in with some real live humans from time to time so you don't turn into a robot.