The Story Of How Barack Obama Proposed To Michelle Is So Freakin' Cute

You probably already heard about Michelle Obama's memoir Becoming, the former First Lady's thoughtful exploration her "becoming" — from her childhood to her time in White House. How much would she reveal about growing up on Chicago's South Side, her methods of motherhood, her personal political views, and her relationship with former President Barack Obama? Well, the book is out, and the wait is finally over. And if you ever wondered just how the Obamas got engaged, you're in luck, because in a passage from Becoming, Michelle Obama reveals everything about that fateful evening, and it's so freakin' adorable.
According to the book, the Obamas headed out to dinner on July 31, 1991 to celebrate Barack Obama taking the bar exam. As they enjoyed a meal at their favorite Chicago restaurant, Barack Obama brought up the subject of marriage.
Michelle Obama writes in Becoming:
"As we were reaching the end of the meal, Barack smiled at me and raised the subject of marriage. He reached for my hand and said that as much as he loved me with his whole being, he still didn't really see the point. Instantly, I felt the blood rise in my cheeks. It was like pushing a button in me — the kind of big blinking red button you might find in some sort of nuclear facility surrounded by warnings signs and evacuation maps. Really? We were going to do this now?"
OK, were you as surprised as I was to learn that Barack Obama wasn't always a big believer in marriage? But of course, as we know, the story doesn't end there. Michelle Obama writes that the two "took up the topic with hot gusto" that night, arguing back and forth about the merits and pitfalls of marriage, becoming increasingly inflamed in their disagreement. But when the dessert tray arrived, it turned out that Barack Obama had just one last thing to say on the matter.
Michelle Obama writes:
"Eventually, our waiter came around holding a dessert plate, covered by a silver lid. He slid it in front of me and lifted the cover. I was almost too miffed to even look down, but when I did, I saw a dark velvet box where the chocolate cake was supposed to be. Inside was a diamond ring. Barack looked at me playfully. He'd baited me. It had all been a ruse. It took me a second to dismantle my anger and slide into joyful shock. He'd riled me up because this was the very last time he would invoke his inane marriage argument, ever again, as long as we both should live."
After the playful reveal Barack Obama dropped to one knee and asked Michelle Obama to marry him. And the rest is, as they say, history. The two have been married ever since, and have two daughters — Sasha and Malia Obama.