Thinking about the possibility of any serious health issue is obviously overwhelming and scary, but considering the risk of some sort of problem in your brain is particularly terrifying. No one wants to assume that any of their random symptoms could mean there's something potentially bad going on in their head, but it happens — and one of the best things you can do for yourself is to know exactly what you should be looking out for so you can call a doctor. If your body is doing the below things, your brain is probably struggling — and that can mean a lot of different things.
Of course, the below symptoms are meant to be taken into serious consideration before you come to the worst possible consequence. You probably know that consistent and severe headaches can be a sign that something is going on with your brain — and you probably also know that this doesn't just refer to a headache you get once in a while. If you feel one of these symptoms only sporadically, and you don't notice any other physical symptoms, chances are, you're okay. But if you notice these happening quite often, or very severely out of nowhere, it could be worth looking into them further.
In other words: don't jump to conclusions when you feel one of these things one time, but do consider calling a doctor if you feel them consistently or very badly. Here are some things your body could be doing to let you know your brain is struggling:
1Cognitive Changes
A bunch of different brain injuries and illnesses can be determined by a change in cognitive functioning. This can include a few different things. One example is memory loss beyond just casual forgetfulness. If you notice you're having trouble doing simple things, like basic math or following a recipe, that could also be a sign that something is wrong.
2Difficulty Thinking Straight
Similarly, if you suddenly feel like you're having trouble thinking straight, that could be a sign that something is going on. Donald O'Rourke, MC, neurosurgeon and Director of the Human Brain Tumor Tissue Bank at Penn Medicine, said, "Some symptoms are really destructive in the sense that people are wide awake and may look completely alert or normal. But they are very sick cognitively." If you feel like you're having trouble focusing and you're easily distracted, all the time, out of nowhere, you may want to speak to a doctor.
Do you suddenly feel like parts of your body are numb? Maybe you randomly lose feeling in your face or a random part of your body, like your arm. If so, that's not something you want to ignore. it could be a sign of a brain tumor or something similar.
4Feeling Dizzy
Dizziness can sometimes be a side effect of something totally innocent that can be easily fixed, like mild dehydration. But if it's always there, it could be the sign of something serious going on in your brain. Pay attention especially if you feel a loss of balance and coordination.
5Behavior and Mood Changes
Something like a brain tumor can cause sudden personality and mood changes that seem to come out of nowhere. According to VeryWell, this includes things like laughing at inappropriate times, having a sudden increased interest in sex, throwing temper tantrums, becoming paranoid, or engaging in risky behaviors. You may also notice some existing personality traits becoming exaggerated.
6Vision Problems
A sudden issue with your vision is never something that should be ignored as there are many issues in your brain that can cause that. If you feel like you're seeing flashing lights or like you have double vision or blurring, or even loss of vision, call a doctor. That could be an emergency.
7Speech Changes
It's not uncommon for someone dealing with some sort of brain issue to have trouble sleeping. If you notice you're having a difficult time forming words or you're slurring your speech, you definitely need to get that checked out right away.
8Clumsiness Out Of Nowhere
Another sign that your brain is struggling is if you suddenly feel weirdly clumsy all the time. If you find that you're dropping everything, falling more often, struggling with balance, or having difficulty using your hands and feet like normal, you may want to look into it.