
If You Get Anxious At Parties, Experts Say These 8 Tips Can Help

by Annakeara Stinson
Originally Published: 

Many people feel uncomfortable in social situations from time to time, that's just the nature of being human. And sometimes those nervous feelings can be even worse in places where you are supposed to be having fun. But if you deal with anxiety at parties on a regular basis, rest assured that this is very common, but also totally something you can learn to cope with and strategize through.

"A lot of people have anxiety in situations they haven't been in before because they feel out of control over one or more aspects of the situation," therapist Rachel Dubrow LCSW, who specializes in anxiety and depression, tells Bustle. Additionally, they might have had a bad experience in the past that is impacting how they view themselves in general or in specific situations.

"A lot of people get butterflies in their stomach or a little jittery when they don't know what to expect," Dubrow says. If this dissipates after a few minutes and is tolerable for the person, that might be where it ends. If it becomes more disruptive as time goes on, Dubrow says it might be time to seek some professional help with the anxiety.

Below, take a look at some tips from professionals on how to tackle those social jitters.

1Prepare The Logistics In Advance


Just knowing some of the details before you get there can help so you don't have to worry about logistics. For example, if you're going to be at a new place, try to go there in advance to make sure you're comfortable with how to get there, Dubrow says. Little stuff like that can both help to distract you and ease some stress.

"A lot of people have what I call 'anticipatory anxiety' where they are more nervous or anxious about what will happen in the future and are more comfortable once they get to a particular place or situation," Dubrow says. "Preparation helps to ease some of that anticipatory or initial anxiety."

2If You Can, Bring A Friend, And Keep Them In Sight

Maybe the most effective way to alleviate some of that discomfort is to have someone tag along who you love and feel comfortable around, especially if it's someone with whom you can share some of your feelings.

"[With a friend] you have someone to help guide you through the social situation if needed and can also help with an exit strategy," Dubrow says. Throughout the party, keep track of where they are so you can find them at any time.

When you're going to a work dinner or to the party of a new friend, it may be less likely that you can have a pal. If all else fails, simply texting a friend when you're feeling really nervous or awkward can help re-center you.

3Have An Exit Plan


Know that you can leave at absolutely anytime. Bye everyone!

"Make a plan in advance to stay at the party or event for a certain period of time. This could be as little as 45 minutes to an hour," Dubrow says. "That way, you know that the maximum amount of time you could be anxious is the amount of time you set for yourself and you can feel more in control of the situation."

You can politely say you can't stay long and don't have to offer much more than that. "When it's time to leave, thank the host and say good-bye to any one else you might have met over the course of the event and then leave," Dubrow says. And listen, if the anxiety is super high, especially if the crowd is big and the energy there feels overwhelming, don't be afraid to just dip out if that's what you need.

4Keep A Drink In Your Hands

Even if it's just water or pineapple juice. For one, there's always the "what do I do with my hands!?" question that arises when you're really feeling uncomfortable in your skin. Secondly, it can provide you with something to do. It might seem super simple, but it's a small thing that helps.

"This can be your go-to thing if you get stuck in a social situation and don't know what to say or you feel so anxious that you need to take a breath. Instead of standing in silence and letting your mind give you negative thoughts about what you are or aren't doing, take a drink and a deep breath," Dubrow says. "No one is going to know you needed the minute of silence to collect your thoughts and they aren't going to mind if you excuse yourself to get another drink."

5Ask Questions To Other People So You Can Just Listen


Remember to listen more than talk, Dubrow says. It can really help you take your mind off your nerves to hear other people share about themselves, and it means that for the time-being, you don't have to worry about being charming or funny.

"Ask how they know the host and then about how the weekend is going, what they do for school or work, or anything about the event itself. Then, spend your time listening," Dubrow says.

Also, socially anxious people are often more likely to talk their way through their anxiety, which can create unnecessarily awkward situations, Dubrow says. So, remember that social situations are like playing tennis — hit the ball to your partner with a question, and then wait for a return question back from your partner.

"If they don't ask questions to you to keep the conversation going, you can always excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, or get a drink," Dubrow says. You've done your part.

66.Talk To Someone Who Seems Like A Match For You

Trust, there is most likely someone else at the gathering who is uncomfortable, or has a similar sense of humor, or seems like they don't know anyone. Look in the crowd for the person you instinctually think might make you most comfortable to hang with.

"Little things you can do are to pick one person that feels like a match for you in terms of shyness, or humor, or interest and go over and introduce yourself to that person, or ask to be introduced," Massachusetts-based author and mental health counselor Jill Sylvester tells Bustle.

"Choose one person to speak with and stand apart from the group so you don't feel overwhelmed, integrating into the larger population slowly or not at all, if it doesn't feel right,

You can be talking to only one person during the social engagement and still be part of the group, Sylvester says. "Another tactic is to trust yourself when you might be talking to someone who doesn't feel like a match and excuse yourself."

You definitely do not need to be talking to the close-talker all night, you know?

7State Or Write Some Affirmations Before You Go, Then Remember Them


Sylvester says that stating an affirmation and intention prior to the event is helpful. Sure, it can feel a little dorky, but they work. Just give it a shot.

"For example, I am a fun person to be around once people get to know me, or I am knowledgeable about my expertise and look forward to sharing with the right person, or something as simple as, I am strong and confident," Sylvester says.

You can also simply remind yourself that you are allowed to leave whenever you want! But giving yourself a few moments to breathe, center yourself, and remind yourself that you are pretty great, is always helpful.

8Consider What You Get Out Of Social Situations

It's maybe not something you often think about or allow yourself to do, but taking a moment to think about why you're being social in the first place can sometimes put it all into a little more perspective, and give you the energy necessary to do it despite your nerves.

"Ask yourself what you'd like to achieve from the situation and how you want to feel," Sylvester says. "Do you want to meet a new person? Do you want to emerge more confident in these types of settings as you embark on a new chapter in your life?"

This can better allow you to align with that intention and move forward.

Again friends, there is truly no shame in feeling social anxiety! But know what it's definitely something you can conquer. You might even start having fun at parties, who knows?

Editor's Note: If you or someone you know is seeking help for mental health concerns, visit the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) website, or call 1-800-950-NAMI(6264). For confidential treatment referrals, visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) website, or call the National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP(4357). In an emergency, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK(8255) or call 911.

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