What Your Relationship Status Says About Your Sleep Habits
Oh, sleep — the unspoken battleground of the cohabitating couple. He steals the blankets. She talks in her sleep. He snores. She kicks him in the nuts a couple times per year. He occasionally has night terrors. (Just my relationship? No?) Those eight hours spent in bed can be be blissful — or they can be hella disruptive. And a recent survey from the company Next Day Blinds that looked at the sleeping habits of more than 1,000 Americans found that not only can your relationship be affected by your sleep habits but your relationship status also impacts your sleep.
This might seem obvious on its face, right? If you’re someone who sleeps more soundly when you’re cuddling, being single is going to suck. Or, on the flip side, if you’re someone who can’t stand to be touched while they sleep, you might run into some problems when you’re in a relationship. (Or, as in my case, if you’re a cuddler paired with a non-cuddler, you’re going to have to do some negotiating!)
But that’s all anecdotal. And anecdotes do not science make. So with that in mind, here are five ways that the survey from Next Daily Blinds found that your relationship status might be affecting your sleep.
1To Chat Or Not To Chat?
It seems that marriage is a determiner for whether or not you and you boo are going to be chatting it up before bed. The survey found that people who are married are less likely to talk before going to sleep, when compared with people who are unmarried but in a relationship.
How do you unwind? If you’re like 32.3 percent of the respondents here, you probably watch a show or a movie to help you chill in the evening. However, 22.4 percent said they’re on their smartphone (bad move, dudes — haven’t you heard of blue light?); 14.9 percent said “other” (which I personally hope means sex)’ 12.8 percent go straight to sleep; 11.9 percent read a book or magazine; and 5.8 percent talk with their significant other.
3Get In Position
Fetal position FTW! Fifty-two percent of respondents said they sleep on their side. However, single people were more likely to sleep on their stomachs than in any other position. Verrrry interesting…
Also, on a related note, sleeping on your stomach is associated with more wrinkles, lower back pain, and a bad neck, while sleeping on your side is good for your circulation. Nice job, side sleepers!
4Getting Those Eight Hours
Apparently the idea that we’re all sleep deprived busy machines is cooked up by TV shows or something — that or this survey sample was just weirdly well-rested. The survey found that 46 percent of people were getting between seven and nine hours of sleep. However, four to six hours followed in a close second with 39 percent of respondents.
5You’re Ruining My Sleep!
But divorcees are getting all the zzz’s! Turns out, they’re the group most likely to get nine or more hours of sleep per night. Perhaps it’s because they have the blankets all to themselves?
Regardless of your relationship status, good sleep is essential for good living. The experts say cutting out fatty foods and booze in the evenings, splitting up your workout, and reading for six minutes before bed can all help. Good luck!