How Uranus Retrograde Will Affect You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Have you felt change brewing? Right before we saw the light at the end of the tunnel that was the summer retrograde season, another planet decided to extend said tunnel. Just a little further. No big deal. Uranus, the planet of change, has been retrograde since Aug. 7 in Taurus. How Uranus retrograde will affect you this year based on your zodiac sign is unique. And it mostly has to do with switching things up.
According to astrologer Chani Nicholas on her website, "Uranus’s time in Taurus speaks to innovations, changes, breakdowns and (hopefully) breakthroughs in banking systems, social security nets, land ownership/occupations, and how we work with the resources of this glorious earth we are so fortunate to inhabit." The retrograde lasts five months, until Jan. 6, and has mostly been concerned with how all zodiac signs deal with care for ourselves and our surroundings.
It, at times, may feel overwhelming. Change often is. But in a positive light, Uranus in retrograde helps us get unstuck where we were stuck in our ways. Every zodiac sign might feel a change in heart surrounding their relationship to material items. According to, "Uranus’ airy brilliance may free us from material strain, or, we may find that our ideas around material comfort undergo a complete revolution." Don't worry, change won't flood in all at once. Taurus is all about taking it slow, after all. But changes are in the stars.
Got money on the mind? Your relationship with your bank account may be what you're most concerned with as Uranus retrogrades through Taurus. advises, "Use the Uranus retrograde in Taurus for insight on how you may develop new ways to manifest more money."
With Uranus taking a trip through your sign, you could be experiencing some sharp curveballs. This could mean that relationships changed, situations changes, you changed and it affected the outer world you were once cocooned by. Take this retrograde to reflect on who you were, are and are becoming.
Gemini, the social butterfly of the zodiac, will most likely be reviewing their squad during Uranus retrograde. This is a good time to recharge your systems. Especially your ~support system~. With Uranus asking you to face long time fears and anxieties, you'll want to make sure the favorites in your phone are certified A-team members.
Uranus spent the last 7 years in the sector of your chart associated with career. Whew. Now that it's moved on to Taurus the planet is bringing new revelations into your life. According to astrologer Chani Nicholas, "as Uranus enters Taurus and your 11th house, it brings you important truths about your connections, and the communities, collaborations and collectives that you are a part of. Aligning yourself with the people that support and share your dreams for the future is life sustaining and changing at the moment." During this retrograde, reflect on who you're connected to.
Dearest Leo. Uranus will most lightly make your spotlight shine brighter. But, according to, "Uranus’ retrograde will put those plans onto the back-burner until March 2019 – don’t lose the faith just yet! Instead, use the Uranus retrograde to revisit any changes you’ve made thus far." Give your plans to the top, or center stage, of your career a revision. You might come out of this retrograde with a final draft.
Uranus can sometimes be like bad lighting in a dressing room. Making us confront certain flaws that aren't always illuminated. The planet may have made you confront fears and difficult emotions. But, according to, with the planet moving into Taurus, you're feeling hopeful for a playful recess after doing all that homework. But the retrograde may delay your attendance on the playground. However, use this time to reflect on all the work you've done and carefully plan how you want to best enjoy your time outside.
Relationships are under inspection here as Uranus enters Taurus and retrogrades from Aug. 7 to Jan. 6. According to Chani Nicholas what needs reassessing is, "the ways in which you share your energy." Nicholas explains, "Some of your personal traditions need to be updated. Some practices reinvented. Some patterns never again repeated if possible." How have you been sharing yourself in your relationships? And does it need a change?
You may be paying closer attention to your dating apps as Uranus transits through Taurus. If you're already coupled, you could be paying closer attention to your social media apps. Needless to say, this transit will affect how you connect with others. And with Uranus retrograde, you might spend less time connecting and more time thinking about ways in which you'd like to connect and whom you'd like to connect with.
For a sign that loves to adventure, Uranus will have you focusing on routines. That could fill you with the urge to venture from your desk even more so than usual. But with Uranus retrograde, "you’ll be able to handle mundane life more peacefully," so says For such an adventurous sign, enjoy the downtime while you can.
After Uranus spent time in your chart related to home, with its move into Taurus, you'll be reconnected to "life's little luxuries," according to The astrology website mentions, "Uranus’ retrograde will have you re-thinking any recent shifts you made in your approach to romance, creativity, and sex." Elaborating on approaching creativity, Chani Nicholas advises, "Clear a path for creative energy to move through. Remove the blockages to what you want to create and it will gladly find its way to you." You might have to sift through some things in your past that are clogging this creative flow.
Uranus in Taurus is all about home and family for you, Aquarius. There might be some changes, perhaps a move? Any big, racing thoughts about putting roots down will be able to catch a break during Uranus' retrograde where you can find the time to really think about big decisions.
How you communicate is up in lights on your own, astrological marquee. Projects relating to writing and speaking are electrified under Uranus' transit. But with the planets retrograde, things might slow down. Don't worry, your creative and powerful flow hasn't halted. You may take this down time as an opportunity to review changes to your style in communication.