The One Sign You Need A Major Life Change, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Although change can be scary, it's necessary for growth. It's easier to stay in a job that's not going anywhere or a relationship that's past its expiration date than it is to take that first step into the unknown. If you're someone who needs to look for signs that it's time to make major shifts in your life, the zodiac can help you there. According to astrologers, there will be one thing that pushes each sign to make a major life change.
When it comes to making changes like moving across the country or starting a new business, certain signs can do it with ease. For instance, Christa Westaway, astrologer and in-house reader at House of Intuition, tells Bustle, "Geminis are great with change and will make decisions quickly if it's of interest to them."
On the other end of the spectrum, it'll take a while for an Earth sign like Taurus to take a big leap into the unknown. "Taurus is a slow-moving energy that’s practical and concerned with the success of any change they may make," Westaway says. "Once a Taurus knows or senses that a move or change will aid in their success or future growth, they can begin to take steps forward."
It's so easy to delay making any major changes in your life. But here's the one thing that will finally push you to make the changes you need, according to your zodiac sign.
1Aries (March 21 - April 19): There's A Lack Of Action In Your Life
Aries are intiators. With assertive Mars as their ruler, they're the "doers" and the "fighters" among the zodiac. According to Narayana Montufar, senior astrologer at, you also like to be first. "If for whatever reason you feel incapable of acting on your goals and dreams, you'll make the necessary changes to burn whatever is getting in your way so you can commit to the task at hand and keep on trailblazing your way through life," Montufar says. You get restless easily. If you're not doing something that's pushing you forward, you will take action.
2Taurus (April 20 - May 20): You Stopped Feeling Good About Yourself
Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is the planet of all things pleasure and beauty. Since your ruling planet is Venus, you need certain things in your life to feel happy and to be productive. According to Montufar, you'll know that you're in need of a change if you stop taking care of yourself. That could be anything from not getting enough sleep to not eating as healthy as you usually do. When you start noticing that you aren't feeling as good about yourself as usual, Montufar says, "whatever or whoever is preventing you from taking care of Number One has to go in order for you to get back in balance."
Taurus is also a sign that values their sense of security above everything else. It may take a while for you to make any serious change. But once your mind is made up, there's no stopping you.
3Gemini (May 21 - June 20): You're Bored
It doesn't take a lot for a Gemini to need change. "There's no way around it," Montufar says. "This intellectual air sign needs constant stimulation. If they feel bored with their job (even if they like it), they will start looking for a new challenge." The same goes with relationships. If their relationship seems to be getting stagnant, they have no problem ending it. According to Montufar, Geminis need mental excitement to feel alive. "If they aren't getting it, they will make the necessary changes to meet their needs," she says.
4Cancer (June 21 - July 22): You're Not Focusing Enough Time On Self-Care
"When you're ruled by the Moon, your moods become like the tides," Montufar says. "The good ones — as well as the bad ones— come and go. With so much in constant flux, you need a solid self-care routine to go back to." Cancer is very sensitive and intuitive. They also care about those around them a lot. When you don't take the time to meditate or just be by yourself, it's easy to let other people's moods and behavior affect you deeply. It can take a toll on you emotionally and you can feel like you're losing your sense of self. Once a Cancer realizes that they're giving more to other people than they're getting back, they'll likely to re-evaluate their relationships and see who's really worthy of their energy.
5Leo (July 23 - August 22): There's Not Enough Excitement In Your Life
Leo, like their fellow Fire sign Aries, needs change in order to keep things interesting. "Some signs can easily go on auto mode and just cruise through life but not you!" Montufar says. "To be happy, you need to be creative and feel fully alive. All the different aspects (and people) of your life need to align and support you as you passionately lead your herd towards a brighter future." If you start feeling like every day is exactly the same, you're going to look for something to shake it up.
6Virgo (August 23 - September 22): A Lack Of Order
Virgos are Earth signs, so they tend to be very grounded when it comes to change. They may not love it, but they do understand a need for it. According to Montufar, Virgos are the ultimate perfectionists. "Being the perfectionist of the zodiac comes with a price," she says. "More often than not, you have to clean up other people’s messes. You need things around you in order to be able to be as productive as you can be." If you have a chaotic home or office environment, you won't think twice before deciding to leave. The same goes with a messy roommate or partner.
7Libra (September 23 - October 22): You Stopped Caring About How You Present Yourself To The World
Libras are known for being a little indecisive. They will take a while to weigh the pros of cons of making any major change, but they're always open to it. According to Montufar, you'll know that you're in need of a change if you stop caring about how you present yourself to other people. "It might sound superficial but when a Venus-ruled sign like you stops dressing well and looking good, it means that something is wrong," she says. "Your refinement and elegance are part of who you are. If something or someone is preventing you from channeling that, you will have to make a change no matter how much work it requires."
8Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): You're Lacking Passion
Scorpios are a very passionate and intense sign. They will make changes when necessary, especially when it comes to their relationships. If you don't remember the last time you had sex with your partner, Montufar says that can push you to make some changes. "Your sexual hunger and magnetism are not only known but legendary, however, for you, sex is about the connection and rapport that comes with it," she says. "A lot of signs can live without sex — but you are not one of them." Because you're a fixed sign, change isn't easy for you. But if there's a lack of passion, Montufar says, "It’s better for you to be alone than in bad company."
9Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): You Feel Like You've Been Running Around In Circles But Haven't Gone Anywhere
"The combination of your element (Fire) and planetary ruler (magnanimous Jupiter) gives you a ton of energy, but it also makes you change your mind pretty often," Montufar says. You're always moving and looking for the next great adventure. You want to do and see it all. "But as your iconic animal symbol depicts, you need a target to be able to get things done," Montufar says. If you notice that your current situation is preventing you from accomplishing anything, it'll be time to slow down and think about what you really want out of your life.
10Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): You're Feeling Uninspired At Work
Capricorns are like their fellow Earth signs and aren't into making major changes right away. But they will, especially when it comes to their career and ambitions. "Like your animal symbol, the Sea-Goat, you are at your best when you climb to the highest and hardest peaks to reach," Montufar says. "You were born to achieve, and when your mind dries out and your heart feels empty, it means a significant change needs to take place in order for to keep looking (and moving) up!"
11Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): You Feel Trapped
Aquarius may be an Air sign, but they're also a Fixed sign. Because of that, they tend to like staying in one place once they feel comfortable. However, it has to be their decision to stay and their decision alone. They still need to feel a sense of independence in all areas of their life. "If something is suffocating you, you will make the necessary changes to free yourself and once again. You want to be able to dance to the rhythm of your own drum — just how you like it."
12Pisces (February 19 - March 20): You Stopped Having Big Dreams
Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. Because of that, you were born to dream big. "You inspire yourself and others to move away from a tangible reality and surrender to a more magical existence," Montufar says. "But if life has moved you away from that core motivation, you need to make a change and seek an environment that truly reflects your enlightened approach." If reality is dragging you down, you may need to make a change in order to bring back some inspiration in your life.
Keep in mind, astrology can get pretty complicated. There are certain planetary movements, like a Saturn return, that can affect your need for major change. Looking into your own birth chart can give you a lot more specific insight into when major changes in your life are meant to occur.
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