The Best Way To Achieve Your 2020 Goals, Depending On Your Zodiac Sign

New Year's Day has passed, but the inspiring, productive ~new year energy~ the holiday imparts upon us is very much alive — thank goddess! Whether or not you're into setting New Year's resolutions, I think we can agree that the fresh-start vibe of collectively entering a whole new decade has inspired us all to set some personal goals for ourselves. Obviously, we planet-obsessed astro-babies are going to need to look to the stars for guidance, as we do — and thankfully, the cosmos has plenty to offer on how each zodiac sign can achieve their 2020 goals.
The fact that we're always given the gift of kicking off a new calendar year with Capricorn season's hardworking energy on our side is simply a sign of the universe's perfect harmony and alignment, IMO. Capricorn is all about getting the job done, and getting it done right. Its energy is highly goal-oriented, pragmatic, and inspires us to work tirelessly toward achieving whatever it is we've set out to accomplish. When it comes to setting 2020 goals for yourself, there's no better astrological vibe to help kick you into full-on boss mode — so astrologically, we're starting things off on the right foot.
But Capricorn season only lasts for so long, and unfortunately, the motivation to keep up on our new year goals can lose steam just as easily — we need more than a fleeting Sun season's influence to keep us on top of our goals! Looking to your zodiac sign for some tips on how to keep your productivity and focus up can give your 2020 goal-crushing abilities a major boost. Bustle chatted with astrologer Lisa Stardust, who weighed in with her advice.
"Resolutions are intentions which can add a powerful energy to our overall vibe of the year," she says. "Although some resolutions don’t last, [others] are guaranteed to work for your zodiac sign."
Without further ado, let's dive into what the cosmos has to say about how to achieve your goals in 2020, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You've been a busy bee with shifts in your career and social life, Aries, but in order to crush your 2020 goals, you'll want to turn off your notifications occasionally and not let yourself be so distracted by the outside world. "This year, you’ll be busier than ever with work and friends," says Stardust. "The world can wait — you need to chill out and connect with your fam in 2020, sans iPhone."
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Getting your financial sitch in tip-top shape is a must this year if you want to stay ahead of your 2020 goals, Taurus. "Starting a legit financial plan is super stressful, but it will help boost your wallet and bank account — which means more shopping and vacays for you!" shares Stardust. "Seek advice from a financial planner to boost your assets in 2020." Sorting things out in the money department will pay off for you — literally!
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You've set some high standards for yourself in 2020, Gemini, but getting caught up in other people's drama could hold you back. Don't let it. "You are on the road to personal transformation and your goals will reflect that," explains Stardust. "Not engaging in gossip will help you engage in higher minded activities ... [and] help you become a more reliable and trusted friend, too."
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Two words for you, Cancer: No scrubs. You're fully ready to evolve, transform, and slay your 2020 goals — and anyone you allow into your inner circle should be in full support. "Only give time to those who are 100% deserving of your energy. This means shutting the door on toxic relationships and only allowing for healthy partnerships to exist instead," advises Stardust. "Declare yourself from those who are undeserving of your fabulousness in 2020!"
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
The only thing standing in the way of achieving your goals this year is you, Leo. "You have the power to shine brighter than all the stars in the sky — if you believe in yourself," says Stardust. "You need a boost and 2020 will provide adoration by you, to you." Learning to love and trust yourself is easier said than done, but if you're willing to devote time to examining your life and believing in yourself, you can accomplish anything.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Do your goals look loftier than ever? Good — they should! Stepping beyond your comfort zone is a must for your growth this year, Virgo. "2020 not only brings a new year, but also a new decade — which is why it’s important for you to get out of your comfort zone and embrace life’s possibilities," advises Stardust. "Ditch your rigidity and embrace the unknown this year. You’ll be oddly at peace with yourself as a result."
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Entering 2020 has felt like being thrown by a tornado into a new, more harmonious landscape. Focusing on balance is the key to making your 2020 goals a reality. "2020 is a time when you should commit to creating more balance in your life," says Stardust. "Schedule things you want to and have to do in your iCal. Give equal time to love and work to ensure you stay on course."
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
No more standing on the sidelines, waiting for something to happen. You're the author of your own life this year, Scorpio. "Become the life of the party in 2020 and live life to the fullest. Don’t wait for things to happen to you — make them happen," advises Stardust. "Manifest the impossible from your dreams. Use your vitality and stamina to create the life you want this year, rather than sitting idly by."
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
It's time to get your money situation in check. That may not sound like fun, but in order to get to where you want to be this year, you'll have to embrace a new financial mindset. "Money has been a source of much stress lately, which is why it is imperative for you to get a grasp on your finances in 2020," shares Stardust. "[Saving] money may feel more like a hindrance on your free spirit, but will enable you to have more cash flow."
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Achieving goals is what you do best, Capricorn — but you need to spread your energy and devote more time to your personal life to stay balanced and motivated through 2020. "This year, it’s a wise choice for you to take a step from the limelight and focus on building your home life," advises Stardust. "You’ll find that you’re more interested in creating relationships and transforming your inner vibe than being the baller you are."
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
If you want to reach your 2020 goals, listening to others' needs is going to be a priority for you — cause we all need a little help from our friends! "This coming year will bring up tensions in friendships, which is why it’s important for you to commit to understanding others," says Stardust. "Not only will you save your relationships from drowning in confusion, but you will create deeper and more meaningful friendships with your crew as a result."
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Conquering your 2020 goals means stepping into a stronger, more powerful version of yourself, Pisces. "In the past, you’ve backed away from confrontation. While you may still avoid drama at all costs throughout the year, you’re stepping up and letting your feelings be known," shares Stardust. "Expressing your views to others takes guts — this year you’ll want to let it all out. No more hiding, bb!"
This article was originally published on