How To Participate In The First Annual Muslim Women's Day

As a much-needed facet of Women's History Month, the first annual Muslim Women's Day was declared on March 27, 2017., in collaboration with dozens of other mainstream publications, are getting together to amplify Muslim women's voices. If you haven't already been briefed, you're going to want to know how to participate in the first annual Muslim Women's Day.
Because in a time when women's voices are already being muffled by the current administration, it's important for everyone, no matter their religion or gender identity, to come together and make sure that all voices are heard, that we're all rising each other's voices, and that we do everything we can to ensure we all have each other's backs and defend each other against stereotypes in an effort to empower each other towards a more accepting and harmonious future.
So that's what the inaugural Muslim Women's Day is about — a social media-centric action to help spark a big change in the way this country views Muslim women. Hopefully the day will help give all Muslim women the spotlight as they stand up for their religion and their beliefs. If you'd like to get involved and show your support, there are four easy ways to do so:
Amplify Others
Spend some time on social media today and retweet, reblog, and repost tweets and articles from influential Muslim women.
Share Stories
Find some stories about or by Muslim women that inspire you or move you. Share these stories with your friends and followers so that they too can find a connection. Whether you post an article, a picture, or a longer reading recommendation, make sure that you're bringing women's accounts to light in some way.
Use The Right Hashtag
Using the hashtag #MuslimWomensDay on social media to bring attention to the day. Encourage those who interact with you online to add their voices too.
There's not just one way to show your support for an underrepresented group of people. Maybe you want to make a photo collage on Instagram. Maybe you want to tell a story via Instagram stories. Maybe you want to write a blog post and share it with your friends. Maybe you want to organize a progressive get-together. Your efforts will be felt, no matter what you choose to do.