How To Observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day instills feelings of hope, something that's especially important now, after the rough developments of 2016 and the knowledge that 2017 may be much worse. Banding together and working towards a peaceful future is the message that Dr. King wore on his sleeve every day as he protested and fought for what is right during the Civil Rights movement. It's a message that deserves honoring, always. So, considering how to observe Martin Luther King Jr. day properly on Jan. 16, 2017 is important, because not only does it bring comfort to those who hurt, but brings healing and purpose for those ready to keep fighting.
What’s important to remember about Dr. King is that he supporting peace and non-violence, and imagined a world where love and forgiveness reigned over hurt, hate, and violent acts. He dreamed of an America that honored and celebrated all of those inside the country — no matter the color of their skin. He looked forward to a day where interracial societies were possible throughout a great nation — and people continuing to welcome others with open arms.
Although there have been steps taken toward achieving Dr. King's dream, there have been many steps back. Taking some time to recognize Dr. King's peaceful dreams will help us all to find restoration towards the journey that we still have ahead of us.
Watch His Famous "I Have A Dream" Speech
There is so much in this speech that rings true for the nation right now – and hits home in a lot of areas that people are experiencing hurt, loss, and misunderstanding. What better way to recognize such a radical figure then rehearing his words and letting them inspire you for the trials that you may face throughout this year.
Share A Quote On Social Media
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Share Dr. King's quote above, or another one you find that inspires you, and you feel will inspire others in what is a controversial time for the country.
Support #BlackLivesMatter However You Can
In whatever form you can (even if it's simply donating a few extra dollars) supporting and fighting for #BlackLivesMatter means standing up for the things that Dr. King was fighting for.
Practice Dr. King's Six Principles Of Non-Violence
Read through Dr. King’s six principles for non-violence in order to create a peaceful world and try to apply them to your every day life — even to the ways that you protest or share your beliefs either online, at a march, or on campus.
Read About The History Of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
This article by The New York Times gives a thorough description of the history behind Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and how best to commemorate his legacy.