Surprise! Lucas Is Already Selling His 'Bachelorette' "Whaboom" Shirt

In what is probably the most talked about lifestyle plan since Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop, The Bachelorette will introduce American audiences to the "Whaboom" lifestyle on May 22. And, you, too can be apart of this hashtag if you buy the "Whaboom" shirt Lucas wore on The Bachelorette. I really shouldn't be surprised that Lucas is selling the item in advance of his debut, so here we are with possibly the most thinly veiled "there for the wrong reasons" contestant yet.
The #Whaaaaboom shirt that Lucas wore on Bachelorette premiere night is available for purchase in Lucas Yancey's online shop. The shirts come in both women's and men's sizes, ranging from small to XXL, and they come in white, blue, and black. Obviously, for a more authentic look, fans can purchase a white shirt similar to the one Lucas wears on the May 22 premiere of The Bachelorette.
For $15 and free shipping, viewers can celebrate the "Whaboom" lifestyle at home. For those who are entirely committed to "Whaboom," the note below the product description reads, "If you take a picture of you wearing the shirt and post it on Instagram and tag me @Lucas.Yancey #TeamWhaBoom — we will send you another shirt for free! Any Size."
In Lucas Yancey's Instagram bio, he advertises for the shirts by writing, "Get your WhaBoom Shirts & Live That WhaaaBoooom Life!!" with a link sending people directly to his store. The t-shirts offer the proper spelling of "whaboom" which includes the hashtag with extra a's and o's in the word.
While the definition for "Whaboom" is still unknown, it proves to be an interesting social experiment. Instead of waiting for someone to offer him a promotional deal, Lucas decided to make one for himself. Is that the lesson to "Whaboom" (probably not, but it's worth a shot)?
Whether or not $15 t-shirts help Lucas pay the bills with his "Whaboom" occupation, presenting the look on national TV may be a great way to get the word out. On the "about" page of Lucas's official website, it reads that he "started his own business, and committed much of his time to several on-campus organizations and philanthropies" as well as working as an actor/writer/producer in Los Angeles. Business sense and real world experience mixed with Hollywood savvy may be the perfect combination for making the "Whaboom" lifestyle succeed in the real world. You know, if people can get over how annoying it us when Lucas says it.